Cervantes - Fremantle
Fremantle - Bunbury
Bunbury - Margaret River
Margaret River
Margaret River - Pemberton
Pemberton - Albany
Albany - York
Total Kilometres Driven after Week Four - 7764km
Day 22 - Our first stop was the Pinnacles, where we saw thousands of limestone pillars rising from the sand dunes (some were as tall as 3.5 metres). After some photo opportunities we continued our drive south through Perth, where Helen's stress levels went through the roof as there were too many cars - a big change from the outback where you see one car every half an hour. We made it to Fremantle in one piece, saving Perth for when we return.
As we both love the Ocean, we visited the Western Australia Maritime Museum. We learnt more about Australia's relationship with the sea and saw the winning America Cup's yacht 'Australia II'. It was also our very first sighting of a rare Megamouth Shark (a very rare deep sea shark) that has been preserved...amazing...ugly, but amazing.
The evening was spent eating fish and chips at the world famous Cicerello (they also have 22m of aquarium, ironic as they sell fish.......) and sampling beers at Little Creatures Brewery.
Day 23 - The morning was spent on the Internet making plans for our Alice Springs - Melbourne leg. We had lunch at what is supposedly Freo's 'most famous cafe', Ginos. It was a really cool cafe, old school with black and white photos everywhere, it even serves proper 50's style milkshake shakers.
Once we were stuffed we hit the road once again and headed to Bunbury for the night. Both of us are starting to feel the effects of being on the road constantly.... thankfully we have a couple of days coming up in Perth...
Day 24 - Like the little children we are we played mini golf and had a jump on the trampoline. Our next stop was the Busselton Jetty which is 147 years old and 1841 metres long (apparently the longest wooden jetty in the southern hemisphere). We have now noticed that everything in Australia is trying to be the longest, highest, biggest, smallest....
Obviously both of us have been looking forwards to Margaret River so we headed there via a chocolate factory, a brewery and another chocolate factory.
Day 25 - The day was spent on a wine tour where we visited 4 wine yards, a brewery, a chocolate factory and a cheese factory. We ended up going home with 10 bottles of wine, lots of chocolates and cheese! This is not the place to be if you're proper foodies as like us you'll end up buying everything. Now we are scared of flying to Alice Springs as we will have far too much stuff to carry.
Day 26 - The morning was spent searching high and low for Helen's missing north face jumper. We didn't find it so we headed to Cape Leeuwin stopping off at a nougat factory and a fudge factory. Again, we came away with lots of fudge and sweets! Cape Leeuwin is on Australia's most south westerly corner and is the tallest lighthouse on Australia's mainland. The corner is where the Indian Ocean meets the Southern Ocean. It was windy...The night was spent in Pemberton, hidden deep in the forests.
Day 27 - Nick spent the morning climbing the Gloucester tree, Helen didn't as she knew she would be able to get up but not sure if she could get down. Nick admitted it was a little scary... on the drive to Albany we stopped off at the Valley of the Giants, where we walked amongst tingle trees 40m up in the air. We checked into a hostel in Albany to have a warm nights sleep!
Day 28 - The day was spent at Whale World, Albany's historic Whaling station; Australia's last whaling station. Whale World used to be a fully operational Whaling station that ceased operations in Nov 1978 after killing a total of 14,800 whales (humpbacks and sperm). We learnt about the whale chase, how they transport the whales back, cut and flense the whales, extraction of oils etc. Some parts was just too gruesome and both of us had a sinking feeling in our stomachs for part of the tour that we could not bring ourselves to look around the chaser boat. We then had a race against time to get ourselves to York before the sun set.
- This week has really hit us how times have changed, one week ago we were sweating, the windows were always open and the sun was up at 6am...a week later we're freezing to death in our Campervan, the socks, winter pyjamas and hoodies have come out!
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