Pictures look fantastic. Hope you having a good time. Have you had to use the rabies jabs yet!!!! Your mum said you can reverse the charges any time - ring her whenever you want. Dont let Lee convince you to travel to Moscow in three weeks time!!! Take Care. Lots of Love.
Mummy Dearest
Laos sounds absolutely beautiful and you seem to be both having a fabulous experience. Hope you get chance to have a bit of relaxation now on those fabulous beaches!!! Wow - you lucky pair - ENJOY AND TAKE CARE. Lovely to talk on Sunday - time delay was weird. Like Dad said so glad we were home in time. Will email you now you back in civilisation. Lots of Love. xxxx
Back in the U.S.S.R.
Big Daddy
Hello you two wanderers, great to talk the other day, good job we came back from caravan early. Not going to mither much just keep enjoying yourselves. Dad xx
Lees Mum
Hi. great to speak to you today...YAY! Sounds like you havin the best time & all the worry of going has been worth while. You were joking bout finding a job there wern't you...WERN'T YOU!!!?? We have set the hammock up in garden..roll on summer! have a good journey back to Bangkok. hugs & kisses xx
bonjour u2, not the group i mean nic and gayboy.sorry i not been in touch but some of us have to work.hope u still got plenty of hair gel left mate could be real emergency if you run out.nothing much happening here.did notice walking past your mums the other day that your car seems to have bit of rust appearing,suppose it can be expected with cheap cars hey mate.went the rugby last night beat the wolves again,newt new there.speak soon
Hiya Nic and Lee
SOOO Jealous - photos look amazing - Enjoy!
hey u guys! it looks lovely where u are, im so jelous!!! i wanna swim in that waterfall! anyway thought id keep u updated nic...u will have a house party 2 come 2 when u get back u 2 cos iv just bought/in the process of buying a house in latchford!! if all goes 2plan i should b in in a couple of months!! yey! carry on having a lovely time, nic im sure ur mum is sick of us all asking how u r getting on!! see u both soon...have fun!!! xx gina xx
Mummy Dearest
Hi you two, have sent you a longer email Nic with all Pembo info. You latest photos look lovely - saw Laos on tv and liked look of it. Well, what about your Nanna selling your car then Nic - well she fell on hard times and this dodgy guy offered her the price of a months groceries at Morrisons! Hope ok love. Speak soon. xxxxxx
Julie (Sis)
hi regarding last comment sorry it wasnt a nasty word ok . it has a bugg at the front sorry again
Julie (Sis)
Hello you two u look like u having a brill time, u wont recognise harvey now with his haircut he still cant say lee yet but can say oooo b***** ha ha. we are still traching him to say lee.thomas been on a st georges parade today with cubs he had brill time. spk soon
julie,andy,jack,thomas,harvey and archie xxxxx
dear nicola & lee nice to see your pictures . i have sold your car got a good price for it!! lots of love to you both.