Hi guys!!! It sounds like you did the same path as me in singapore!! The problem for thought was I didn't have lee to stop me going in the shops!! I needed that Calvin Klein skirt and sunglasses!! If only I realised the exchange rate!!! Oops!! I opted for a korma in little India but it still blew my head off. I ate mine off a banana leaf with my fingers!! They were yello for a week after!! Good to hear you're well. I wish I was with you!!! Lee now you've cut your hair, are you not worried it wont grow back?? Best get back to work!! I think a fight is about to brew!!! Love you both, Axxxx
No.1 Son
Hi Both,
The new pics are amazing. But u look even gayer with a shaved head Lee. Don't pull it off like I do!!
Hope u manage to find a pub in Cairns to watch the game. Would hate the thought of u missing the Dirty Blues kicking Manc Scum!! Hope it goes to pens to prolong the heartache. he he
Other than that, I'm really jealous, though I did go camping in the lakes last week and that can't be far off what ur experiencing......
See u both soon. Have fun.
Mummy Dearestt
So lovely to see the up-dated photos - Wow looks amazing. Lovely to see you looking so well now. Hope you safely there now wearing your hats with hanging corks and talking like Rolf Harris. Hope valium worked on the flight for you Nic. Speak soon.xxxxxxx
Your both gay..
looks good thought i would show i am interested slightly..
hope your having a good time ... cnat wait for my present to be sent home ..
Hello you two. Sounds like you're having fun. The diving looks really appealing! When are you off to OZ? Will you be there for a State of Origin match? Hope you continue to have fun.
BTW, C'mon Chelsea..................
You two and the sites look fantastic. Not jealous one bit................
Lees Mum
Just read home page & lukd at photos ..WOW truly amazing. So so jealous of your experiences but glad that you both had the courage to go & do it! You both look so well. Hope your journey to Aussie stress free & its all you both want it to be. Look forward to more photos from outback. Great photo of you snorkling by the way!!! Lovely to see & speak to you yesterday. Ain't technology great! Love to you both. Take special care. xxxx
Great to here from u both,sounds like u really enjoyed this last week.Onward and upward.mum was really chuffed 2 here from u both,even though she cud not c u. luv from all back at homexxx."come on utd.!"
Mummy Dearest
Wow, how amazing was that phone call with you two on video. Who would have believed years ago that you could talk on the phone and see someone at same time. You both look so well. It made our day. Will email you direct for more chit chat. Lots of love and a big hug to both.xxx
Lees Mum
So good to "see" you both on monday! So glad the weather from Burma not affected you! Was a bit of a aworry tilll we saw & spoke to you. Had bbq yesterday for Julie & Thomas birthday... its summer here at mo!!!! take special care. love to you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Diane, Paul, Dan N Soph
Hey Nic and Lee. Hope you're ok - pics look great, am sure you're having a ball! Has any of the terrible weather in Burma made its way over to you? Take care, lots of love.
D, P, D and S
Lees Mum
Sounds like you got over the trauma of long journey on bus & back on track with the enjoying selves! Made up that you got through scuba diving lessons without sucking in the most of the H2o Lee! PHEW! Well done Nic..sounds like you are a H2o babe! 4 wks Sat till we board that plane..can't wait..sun sea & sand here we come! Take special care. Miss you both loads xxxxxx