Wel helo!! Yndi,mae'n amser blog update arall!!!
Wedi gwneud dipyn o deithio dros y dyddie diwethaf. Yn gyntaf, fflio i Shanghai o xi'an, bys wedyn ddoe yma i Huangshan, sydd tua hanner awr o'r yellow mountain, ac wedyn fory ymlan i chongqing . . . . . . ma'r batris dal i fynd chwarae teg!!
Os mai xi'an oedd y ddinas oedd yn cael ei ddatblygu Shanghai oedd y finished product. Adeilade enfawr yn cysgodi'r haul, system fetro, a digon o liwie llachar yn ddigon i ddallu rhywun! Un noson yn unig oedd gynon ni yno, felly penderfynnu gwneud yn fawr o'r cyfle a mynd i weld sioe acrobatic traddodiadol mewn theatr oedd lein rhif 4 wedyn 2 ar y metro oddi wrthom. Trafeulio trwy'r storm ar glaw i weld sioe hollol anhygoel, oedd hefyd, heb os yn agoriad llygad . . .pwy feddylie bod modd i'r corff ddynol blygu yn y ffyrdd roedd cyrff y perfformwyr yn gwneud!!!
Codi'n weddol y bore wedyn i sicrhau ein bod yn gadael digon o amser i ddal lein rhif 4 a 3 er mwyn dal y bws 5 awr i Huangshan . . . . . . .
Tref ddigon arferol, braf bod mewn lleoliad dipyn llai na'r arfer, Cyrraedd a sicrhau lle ar fws chwech y bore wedyn i'n cymryd at y mynydd, felly gwely cynnar. . . . Dyma un o'r ystafelloedd neisia den ni wedi 'u cael hyd yn hyn - heb os.
y mynydd. Am rywbeth mor naturiol, anodd ydi dygymod a'r ffaith oedd angen talu am bopeth, boed y bys at y mynydd, ticed i ddringo, a rheina i gyd un ffordd yn unig. Wrth gerdded ar hyd y llwybr be dorrodd ar ein traws ond criw o fwnciod gwyllt . . . ciwt iawn heblaw am y chwyrnu milain. dwi wir methu rhoi mewn geiriau pa mor anhygoel oedd y profiad . . . . gweld dynion yn cario llwythi o gynnyrch i'r siopau bach yn yr uchelfanau,ac reodd siop ar bob cornel bron, yn llawn o souveniers a photeli dwr. Does dim geiriau chwaith i ddisgrifio'r golygfeydd, felly dwi ddim yn mynd i drio. . . . . yn fwy na dim, doeddwn methu dod dros y bobl, mor gyfeillgar a barod eu cymwynas, rhoddodd un dyn bach faneg i mi, rhag i'r rhaff oedd yn ein tywys ar hyd y llwybyr serth losgi fy llaw i, eraill yn fwy na ddigon bodlon cynnig tynnu llun, hyd yn oed pan oeddwn ar fy ngwaethaf yn un pwll chwslyd yn trio fy ngore i ddal fy ngwynt!! Ar gweddill yn fy nefnyddio i ymarfer saesneg wrth i mi sgipio lawr y grisiau nol ir gwaelod!
A dyna ni, lle arall wedi dod i ben!!
hwyl a haul,
Sgityl a L.S
Hey! Yes it's that time again, it's the blog update!!!!
Writing this while the batteries are still running . .we've done a lot of travelling the past few days, first flying from xi'an to shanghai, a 5 hour bus ride then to Huangshan, which is a quite large town sitting about half an hour away from the yellow mountain. Tomorrow we move onto Chongqing. :D
If xi'an was the city in development, Shanghai is the finished product. Tall buildings crowded the skyline, flashing lights enough to blind someone, and a very very efficient metro system, which helped us make the most of our one night stay there! And make the most of it we did, deciding to go and watch the traditional acrobatic show. Travelling through a bad storm via line 4 then 2 we werent disspaointed with the amazing use of body movements, dance and martial arts used to convey short stories. We just sat there hypnotized by the art form on the stage before us. A real eye opener in some aspects . . who would of thought that the human body was capable of bending in such ways the artists were able to . . .definitely something to work on when i get back to Wales!!!!!! hehe.
A bit of an early start the next morning to ensure that enough time was given to catch the line 4 then 3 to the bus station. . . . which five hours later meant we arrived in the town of Huangshan.
An ordinary town really, though not had much time to explore . . the biggest attraction obviously being the yellow mountain about half an hour away. We booked our place on the very mini bus the minute we arrived at the hostel, and told it would be there ready to pick us up 6 the next morning . . . . that meant an early night. And I have to add, I think this is the nicest room we've had so far on our trip.
So, the mountain . . . Expensive, for something so natural, having to pay for a bus to take us there, entrance to the mountain itself - and those only one way was a bit steep, but without doubt worth it. Words can not express how amazing the experience was - As I walked up a footpath amongst a chinese family we were cut accross by a gang of monkeys (real ones) which were incredibly cute, apart from the growling . . . . . passing men carrying the products to be sold by the shops situated deep within the mountain (the products carried on their bare backs), and there were shops almost on every corner, full of souveniers and of course plenty of water. . . . Having an old man give me a glove of his to ensure that my hand would not get burnt while clinging onto it climbing up the steep paths . . . and having so many ready to strike a conversation or take a picture, even though neither of us could speak the others language . . .we gave it a go though!!!! I was a pool of sweat and gasping for breath, but still they came, and still they were ready to get to know me, or take a picture . . amazing. From what I've seen and learnt, this is the general nature of the chinese people. And i got to see it first hand today.
And so, we move on to another place tomorrow, more stories, more pictures and experiences.. . .
take care all.
Sgityl and L.S
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