Our first day in New Zealand was a blast, as it was the first time two of our students flew internationally. The day was a chill and relaxing day as we all were getting used to the climate and the change of weather. The majority of us got little to no sleep on the plane, but we all got our beauty sleep on our 3 hour bus trip to Rotorua. We stopped at a Countdown supermarket which was New Zealand's version of Woolworths. We all bought and prepared our meals for lunch and dinner as we set out our tents at this beautiful campsite. Most of the guys including Mr Idrees decided to spend a relaxing arvo in a sauna whilst the girls enjoyed chilling at the campsite playground. We spent our evening adventuring out and experiencing geothermal hot pools which was a once in a life time opportunity. It was so amazing to view God's creation in a different country and still appreciate His wonderful world around us.
Written by Joel J
Catch you soon
- comments
Mona Wow you guys are having a good time , sauna!!!
Marsil Gobrial Wow, sounds good Have a great and blessed time together
Cruz Julien Enjoy the beautiful creation of God. Bless you Joel.