Well back in La Paz again!
After doing the death road we spent the night at a lovely animal sactuary. Little huts to sleep in, swimming pool and tame monkeys! What more can someone need to overcome something like the death road! We got the bus back to La Paz after that and stayed for a couple of days doing a little sightseeing... including a wrestling match!
Women, dressed in national costume, 'wrestle' men in wrestling costumes! Very weird. It was all in Spanish and very. very fake but hugely entertaining. We also came second in the pub quiz at the hostel which was pretty exciting!
We flew out of La Paz on the 2nd on a 12 seater plane which was so exciting! Only a 40minute flight but it saved on a 24 hour bus journey. Deffinately worth it. We flew into Rurrenabaque, a little town just in the Amazon and got straight onto a tour right into the Amazon. A highly uncomfortable 3 hour jeep ride and an awesome 5 hour boat ride and we made it to the lodge. Went on the boat down the river to a little bar and watched the sun set before coming back to the lodge to chill in hammocks and attempt to sleep in the extremely hot, humid and mosquito ridden air!
Day two saw us on a three hour hike to find anacondas. We did not! However we were almost attacked by a croc so there was a little excitement to the walk. After a siesta and a much needed downpour we went pirana fishing, which we were not amazing at but luckily the guide caught enough for us to each have one for dinner. Not much meat on a pirana I must say. We then went down the river to another spot to watch the sun set again and then searched for crocodiles and caymens on the way back. Saw a massive one too!
The final day on the tour we went to a section of the river where pink dolphins are often found and swam while the dolphins were there. Didnt interact with them but it is cool to think that there were dolphins within meters and that I swam in the Amazon!
We were only meant to spend one day after thetour in Rurrenabaque but it decided to rain. A LOT! So all the flights out were cancelled and we were all pushed back a day on flights. Not a problem though. The day we gained was beautiful so we paid for entry to a pool and had a lovely day with pool side lunch delivery and a giant sundae! My kind of day.
Got ourselves back to La Paz eventually and have spent the last three days watching films! Been to a couple of museums and wandered around town a few times. Think I have seen about 8 movies in three days!
Off to Copacabana tomorrow, which is the town on the east coast of Lake Titicaca. Bit of hiking, sightseeing and beautiful landscapes ahead! xx
- comments
Louise oh my gosh, this all sounds absolutly amazing!! i don think i need to say this but keep having fun! miss you xxxx
Howard M The new Indiana Jones !!
Grannie Hi there , just found your latest blog. I think I got lost in my pc looking for it, never mind trying to do what you are doing. Isn't it great seeing all the big wild crocs around you,but I prefered to see them behind wire enclosures. Keep up the good work enjoying youself. Lots of love,Grannie
yahia have a nice and safe trip.