was with integral alnd of the incas; great service and given wake up drink at SIX OCLOCK;cooked breakfast ;three cousre lunch and sncak at !&:·=;three course dinner at seven oclock;apologies this keyboard is wonky;
waking is tough on these stone steps ;often is a a ( hour day;down hills are akiller; use a walking pole; can rent local but these ahve broken for some of our group;
wether is warm days and cold nights; but during the day it gets misty and cold on the top of the passes; put a jumper in your day pack; i also found acamel back useful for hydration purposes ;wa sdrinking three liters of water daily;
be prepared for the sting in the tail; about !% minutes from the sun gate of machua michu; worlds steepist stair case; ·= yards of nearly vertical
this keyboard is useless
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