Great effort Nance - I knew you'd get the hang of the internet eventually! Vietnamese food is great, as you can see from my blog.
Good to see we've regained our form upfront again Dave - I thought 4 goals was too many for 1 game for us. Don't be upsetting Grace or she won't let you play your mandatory 6 hours a day of Mario Kart. How's Charlie by the way? Wondering where Uncle Neil is?
Helen - tell Katie I'm really excited about Pancake Day and I'm going to celebrate in style with not one, but two pancakes with some syrup and lime on. mmm.
Dad - I've got some decent photos that I'm sure the kids would enjoy. Watching the people fishing, trading at the local market etc is really interesting - these people have amazing ingenuity and seem to be able to turn their hand to anything with often very few resources. I'm still in good health - (surprisingly) the food has agreed with me so far and we've all been eating decent local stuff. Some of the others who had come from Cambodia prior to joining this trip have benn pretty ill, but touch wood, no probs so far for me.
Sorry to hear about the cr@p weather guys. It's boiling here. hehe
I will definately go to Bangkok then, Match was an improvement but the fact that Killen nearly hit me in the face with only the keeper to beat says it all!
By the way can you pop back because Grace is trying to get me to tidy up all the time!
Fondest greetings from Grandma, really pleased you are safe and happy with your journey so far. I have just got back from church and have come to Dad's to read all of your messages, it sounds very exciting, I wish I was younger, it is something I might have enjoyed doing.The weather outside is very cold, it was -3 going to church, although it is very sunny with blue skies with lots of snow.How is the food in Vietnam? I suppose your tastes will change over the time of your holiday with so many different choices of meals.I hope you have found good company to travel with you on your travels and that you can make good friends with the party. I will look forward to reading your messages over the coming months, take care Neil, lots of love Grandmaxx
PS Dad said that there was a slight improvement at the match yesterday by the fact they kept a clean sheet despite playing with 10 men for the last half hour.The ref was inept and hopefully Boro can hang onto Johnson, the transfer deadline is 5pm tomorrow.
Hello there - the adventure sounds great so far. My cousin recently visited Vietnam and like you found it a very interesting though slightly complex country. There is another purpose to my message not just to check in and say hi - Katie asked me to send you a message - she just wondered if they ate pancakes in Vietnam? She is already very excited about pancake day - the joys of being a three year old!! Take care hope the train journey was O.K. Love H xx p.s as everyone is posting boro news thought I would update you with other news that I am sure you will be interested in - Alex Reid won Celebrity Big Brother and it looks like it is the end of Brad and Ange !! x
Des & Margaret
Hi Neil
Just to bring a bit of reality back, today visited ASDA and guess what it was heaving just for a change... We had 1" of snow last night, temp down to -1 . Ruby did her first 6 mile walk today, started my training for the Allendale.
Glad your trip is going well we are enjoying reading the blog
Keep safe & take care Love Margaret & Des xx
Dad And Chris
Hi mate glad your world tour has got off to a good start.I thought I would send a message on the web site following the midweek texts regarding the Boro.I am going to the match with Dave today.I'll text the result,if they win today they could go on a roll for Wembley, keep on dreaming!! The snow arrived back overnight so you are better off in the sunnier climes.How has the travelling been been so far and how are you getting on with the rest of the party? Looking forward to seeing some of the photographs, I might share some of them with the kids at school , global awareness and that agenda. Greg will be counting down the days before the big reunion, hope things continue to go well, take care, keep in touch. love Dad and Chris
Now mate, good updates on the blog, but no photos yet.. tut tut. I bet using internet reminds you of the tramaus Tash has with his "Broadband" aka Dial Up service.
Glad the group sounds fun.
It'll be interesting to hear what all the people of Nam have to say abut the country as Leyen mentioned to me (folks came to Oz in 70s during Nam war to escape fighting) that half country with Yanks (and oz and NZ) and half against. Like a North South divide. South with Yanks. Then no real resolution reached in mid 70s before Sepos went home and then North (Communist) invaded Saigon and renamed it Ho Chi Ming (Communist leader) and renamed it. And still Communist now, so wonder if anyone allowed to speak against the state. Keep me posted as well interested.
Not much going on from me, Serena won Tennis, Murray v Fed tomoz. Boro signed McManus (guess where from) and after Nakamura (where did he used to play). Jinky off to Citeh maybe.... But I've just checked and we need about another three wins in 19 games so we should stay up.
Enjoy the beach, I'm sure it's awesome.
Dave - guess what...there's a Subway AND Starbucks in Bangkok - you could have come after all!
I'm struggling to upload photos due to poor internet speeds so you can't see much just yet. The AK 47 was nuts, not much regard for safety with live rounds and the "ear plugs" were a pair of Sony headphones!!! Hilarious.
Adam - you'll be pleased to hear I knocked out a 30k bikeride yesterday - I'll update you when I write my next blog. We rode along the same road that the Top Gear boys did on their scooters. I'm definetley going for my 'lose a stone' challenge since everyone in the group likes the physical challenges.
I'm leaving for another overnight train now, so will update when I get to my next destination.
Take it easy and come on Celtic, erm I mean Boro...
Skysports news have only gone and put willo floods goal from saturday in as a goal of the week contender!!
Paul And Liz
Dear Neil,
Glad the journey went well. Sounds as though you have got off to a good start. Hope you find some like- minded souls among the group.
See how well the boro did after we slagged them off on Monday night! What a team.
When you get chance pls let us have your ETA Singapore and will try to organise a sail for you.
All the best, Liz an Paul
David Asprey
So what do you eat and drink then if no starbucks or subway?! Mind blowing!