Must have got to excited watching the superbowl, as now cant sleep and its 4am! Looks like we had that same problem with the language on the computer on saturday night!
Charlie says she is missing uncle neil, Grace has bought a little backpack so she can run back to the car after work now! She is going to start doing that this week, i am going to have to step up my training to stay ahead!
"Dave and Ste" - aaaimmm sooooo hipee use 2av senme messsij avtr theflashin hic dansflour in ohsharneeea. Isa bit poinless duin 3miyallruns anthen gerrinsmashed bambam.
thinis he is ahomo
Dave And Ste
Drank t00 nu7ch tinight , me and ste went too oceana thought you eould love this meddasssge
Dave And Ste
Drank t00 nu7ch tinight , me and ste went too oceana thought you eould love this meddasssge
David Asprey
Did two 3 mile runs this week!! Check me out! Played golf today despite the fog restricting sight ot 100 yds, tricky conditions!! Solid 1-1 draw for the Boro, even though we blantantly werent concentrating to let a goal in after 23 SECOND!!
Me and Ste are off out in Headingly because we decided we dont go out for no reason anymore, so we are going out for no reason!!
Is it really fog Mr Stinson or are you on some dodgy Vietnamese bong? The windows could be steamed up ?? eh ?? eh ?? Medicinal and herbal of course for all the family viewers!
Shall we get you a Vespa in the garage for when you return? It'll be like Quadraphenia in iB when you're back !
Tenant popping round soon, I'll advise of any contract breaches!
Enjoy Big Man.
Lindsay Edgar
Hi Neil
What an adventure you are on! Sounds absolutely fantastic. Loved reading all the interesting things you have been upto. They are the places me and Craig would love to visit one day (will be in 18 years time now when baby has grown up). You take care and enjoy every minute of every day.
Love Lindsay x
Liz/Paul - sorry I didn't get back to you earlier...I'll be in Singapore on 24th and 25th of Feb. If you need to, you can email me details of your friend.
Dad - there is potential for some sea kayaking today. We're off out on a boat cruise around the islands of Halong Bay, with a seafood lunch on the boat also. It's a world heritage site - I can see the islands from my hotel room balcony. It's cooler up here with some fog rolling in off the sea, so visibility isn't great, but I should get some decent piccies. I'll let you know how it goes in my next blog.
Neil, it was interesting reading your blog about the Vietnamese bath tub and your trip to the delta. What you really should have had was a sea kayak, unfortunately Chris was not there to help you down to the shore to carry it!She is still getting over the last trip !
Hi Neil, really enjoying the blog.It sounds amazing.Can't wait to sample your spring rolls! Love Liz
Alright mate, sounds like you are having far too good a time whilst we are freezing our balls off! Again. To top it off more snow forecast tonight. running training is rapidly turning me into one of the favourites for next years dancing on ice! always wanted an excuse to wear a pink leotard. did the christmas poultry run at the weekend where yet again my ice skating skills came in handy, 8 miles of snow and ice not the easiest to navigate, especially when you have some of loftus's finest lobbing ice balls at you from over a fence as you skid by. foolishly tried to keep up with some of countries finest, failed miserably, but got to see how quick one of GB's 2012 runners are, a Ricky Stephenson, umbelievably quick. anywho better go, geekishly written more than i ever managed in any essay.