Oi Stinson… what is going in with these Xrays??!! Not best pleased when I read that, you need to be careful with your leg. I hope you have recovered ok…
Sorry I haven't written on the blog for a couple of weeks, things seem to have been pretty manic at this end. Your trip sounds as always fantastic, I was a bit freaked out when I saw the pictures on facebook of the snake your driver ran over, the thing looked massive. It totally overshadows all the other superb views. I couldn't relax if I knew those thing were crawling about.
We are meant to be flying to Rome tomorrow afternoon, however, Easy Jet still have all there flights cancelled so not looking very good. Hopefully it will be really windy overnight and blow the clouds in the opposite direction, I'm not holding my breath though. Training is going well, I did my first open water swim in the lakes the other weekend, oh, that was very cold. I knocked out a cheeky 120miles today. Great weather, first time I've had the arm warmers off…So off for some well deserved beers tonight.
Dowl, using your kids as an excuse… I was looking forward to going head to head… Never mind if you decide to strap a pair on let me know ;-)
Take care mate and be careful with the leg.
Kathryn Webb
Hiya Neil!
Have been checking out your blog every few days since you set off, and thought it about time to drop you a message. I've loved reading your stories and experiences! Sounds like you loved Fraser Island - I did when I went 12 years ago, was fab to read all about the Maheno and Lake Mackenzie!
Enjoy the next few weeks of your trip, and I'll continue to check out your blog to hear all about it!
Take care, Kathryn
Hey folks, ignore the map if you're trying to follow where I am...for some reason it thinks that Fraser Island is in Western Australia. It's not. It's about 4000 miles away in Queensland! At least the blog's up to date for once though, eh?
Alright mate
The drive in the convertible sounds class, just hope it was a decent motor!!! The blog is cool and gives me an escape from the inoconveniant thing called work. Hope all is well.
Will and Sarah
alright mate, watched the grand prix, looked quality, thought lewis would have made it a gb one two if some wise guy hadnt told him to pit twice! how close to the action were you? thought you would have bought start lane tickets to mingle with stars, half expected to see you and greg chatting to big dave coulthard.
sorry adam, am going to have to dissapoint, the girly triathlon is on the same day as katies birthday, so already committed to a days exercise on the bouncy castle.
first challenge completed, the coniston 14 (that was actually 17) did it in 1hr 55. three weeks to go till the big one though. hope your running stil going well neil.
Don't worry John, moved my seat on Tuesday and went with Dad, didnt look much better form the east stand! I bet you loved the grand prix Neil, although the weather didn't look the best! Knocked out nine miles yesterday, my knees are letting me know this morning that they didnt appreciate it!
Neil I thought I would keep you up to speeed with events following our shorter messages about Boro's progress by text. Good victory against Preston.....but what happened to Dave, has he defected to another team, absent on Tuesday night? We popped round to see Ben, Kim and Chloe on Sunday, everybody was well, although Ben was missing his running mate. We are keeping up our regimes although perhaps not as much as you are doing in the ozzie heat, you must be shedding the pounds.I hope you both have a good weekend at the Grand Prix and then up to Cairns. Looking forward to the Easter break in the Lakes after our two school inspections, time to unwind and chill out.I received my Cancer UK running pack for the GNR today so I think we should all have them by Easter.Hope Greg is finding time to chillout and rest his foot, a few days on the Whitsun islands will help. Grandma keeps asking about you both and has posted more mail out to you.Hope the funds are holding up, enjoy the trip down the Gold Coast. Look after yourselves, keep in touch, best wishes Dad and Chris xx
"It's ooooowwwwnnnn". Good to see the competetive kids are doing a bit of sparring on the message board! Triathlons v Marathons - I like it!
I had an inbuilt phobia of spiders before I got here, but I think it was more because I didn't know what to expect. Seeing as there are monsters everywhere you look, I've kind of overcome my fear and have started to ignore them. I've been looking hard for snakes, but haven't seen any yet - seen some quality lizards though that I have some good photos of.
Greg and I watched the Bahrain GP at the weekend, to try and get our heads round the new rules, teams, drivers etc. Hopefully the Melbourne race will be a bit more interesting, because it turned into a bit of a procession didn't it!?!
I'm part of the KPMG team in this weekend's Corporate Games - beach volleyball on Sat and dragonboat racing on Sun...with a Mexican themed piss up in between on Sat night.
Good to hear you're all into the training - I want to hear that everyone is wearing the pavement out. It's great running here - just boiling hot, which I guess is good, as GNR tends to be the only warm day in the Autumn in England! Greg's Gold Coast Marathon training is suffering as he has an achilles injury. Dr. Senior has provided appropriate advice and emotional support, so hopefully he'll recover soon.
Now then,
Camping and canoeing sounds like it was fantastic. The best part surely must have been fishing by the camp fire with a couple of beers though, that sounds like you have cribbed it straight out of a film… Is there any room for another???
I remember Greg telling the stories around your dining table about the various snakes and SPIDERS that live out there… Have you had any problems or seen any of the bad boys…?
I never knew you had tickets for the grand prix, you kept that one quiet! Button and Hamilton have been getting quite a bit of press coverage over here. We have Charley's uncle staying this weekend and he is a massive fan, so will hopefully get to see some of the race.
Mam and Dad were really pleased you phoned, good shout. They mentioned that everyone participates in sport out there, running, volleyball, cycling… If you tell any more mate, I'll end up putting my flat on the market and moving out there.
750m swim, 13mile bike, 5k run… I have a few pals taking part for the first time, should be great one to start with…
Alright mate, sorry its been so long since last on, time flies by in the cold of UK! Not jealous. Loved the photos, looks and sounds like you are having a quality time. I am in full on training now for the london plod, cant believe its only six weeks away, so not ready, legs and knees knack every time i go out, think its the cold getting to my old bones. My dads best time of 3hr 11mins is looking a far way off! Hows your running going? Probably slightly easier to motivate yourself to go out in the sunshine and surroundings of sydney as opposed to guissy railway lines covered in ice! Still! Any how look forward to seeing an update on life in oz and pics of you surfing? again slightly better conditions than saltburn and the polluted glow of boro in the background. keep enjoying it mate.
ps. Adam am well up for one of your poxy trigirlythons, just let me know details. can i wear armbands to swim in?
Glad to hear you are really chilling out Neil. I thought I would send message instead of the texts. I received an email from Winkie today to say you have been on one of her guided walks around the coast followed by a swim. How was the trip to Kangeroo Valley with Greg ? No doubt photos will soon be on the web site. Big game on Saturday against the Geordies, not holding out much hope ! Hodgy dropped into school for a chat earlier in the week, he is going skiing again in a couple of weeks, no doubt to build up his stamina/fitness levels for the Great North Run !! You still haven't mentioned about having a session down at the Rocks, don't miss out.The weather has been slightly warmer this week with lots of sunshine so its been much better for going for a run. No doubt you are keeping in trim working out with Greg. I heard about the encounter Greg had with the jellyfish, but he is still into his biathalon. Hope everything continues to go well Neil, no doubt looking forward to your trip to the Barrier Reef at Easter with Greg. Look after yourself, take care, best wishes to you both, Dad and Chris xx
Check out the just giving web site... It's starting to take shape, 8% knocked off so far. Great stuff!
I've not seen the pictures yet, as our internet is broken and facebook is banned in the office... I hope you're keeping well and Greg, as mam and dad wrote is cooking you 5star meals everynight haha.