Wednesday 23rd September 7:30pm
Darwin OZ
Left Singapore on Monday . we visited Singapore zoo on Sunday and had a great day. 3 great animal shows and the whole zoo was meant to show the animals in the most natural environment possible, so monkeys move freely acroos the zoo on ropes. We both held a snake and had a kiss from a sealion-all very funny! Spent the day exporing the Quays then on Monday but lots was shut due to it being a Bank hol. HAd quite a chilled day and then headed for the airport.
Arrived here at 5am yesterday (we are now 8 1/2 hours ahead of you) and had to check into our hostel. We knew we were in seperate rooms, which was ok but we assumed i was in a female dorm and Neil in the male. We were allowed to creep in the dark to our bunks and promised not to wake anyone. A little tricky you can imagine when we were both in seperate rooms and both on the top bunks!!
I lay for a while and then decide to see if i could make out the girls i was sharing with...on a close glance i realised the 2 other people in the room were males!! I thought we must have had the wrong keys and Neil must be in with the females so i got up and checked- it so happened we were in mixed dorms and there were no females in either rooms! I eventually got to sleep and we both woke at around 1pm.
Had a walk around Darwin centre to investigate, all the time thinking about our next plans. We wanted to hire a campervan but due to a shortage of time- and its expensive- we booked a Grey Hound bus ticket to Katherine where we go tomorrow morning and then we can leave there for Alice Springs.
Topday we went to Lichfield national Park- it was extremely hot but great! Stopped at a place first and we both held more snakes after we went on a boat down the Adelaide river and watched crocs jumping for chunks of meat. Amazing. We went to see termite mounds that were huge. We then visited 2 waterfalls and pools where we coul swim, jump in and relax. A lovely day! our tour guiide Joey was brill and loved playing practical jokes, including a fake croc head that floated in the water which got a few people!! Me and Neil nealry wet ourselves!!
Thats all for now- keep checking the pics we are trying to get them up now a little quicker!
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