hey guys!! ive just looked through all your pictures again and they're soo cool :) hows s.africa going?? your not there for much longer are you?? i hope your both well!! everyone here says hi!! missing you both loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
orite kids
Yes its has taken a while to locate this blog... i did know of its existance... but far to sophisticated for me!
Sounds like ur both havin a realy good time.... probably not quite a good as a time as im havin back home.... its all happenin in bolton/adlington at the moment... far too much 2 fill u in on- i promise!
As for the 'sand boarding' cant quite picture that myself!! like snow boardin without the snow?? how do ya move... bit of the old cheese-cake phenomenon goin on ther i think!
Anyway pleased u both got this far (ie. ur not dead) i woz lookin out for ya, chuckling at the hope the itv man mite catch u both takin shelter behind a bin frm the riots in kenya (in the nicest way possible)
Rite- really taking up 2 much massage space here! have a great time speak soon. over and out! lots of love greg xxx
just seen your f.b. photos guys! sand boarding looks KEWL although do you not get lots of sand in your mouth !?!?(relating it back to the days of picnics on scarborough beach)
well your both missing LOADS of exciting stuff over here such as...ummm...(will think of somthing!) ...the 6 nations!! (which were actually managing to loose already)
caroline you look brown beyond the ability of Johnsons holiday skin. please stop. (dont worry neal you have another few months to start that tan off!)
kisses x x x x x
Gary Sykes
I quote from your blog of 28 Jan.."at Kande beach caroline went horse riding and finally went for a swim with her horse which looked brilliant, though i didnt fancy it myself!"...well I am pleased that you didn't fancy Caroline's horse..though from what Greg tells meabout some previous encounters....! Sounds like a brilliant time Neal; much better than mortgages and responsibilities etc. They can wait. Anyway, where are all the pictures which I was looking forward to seeing? I will let Greg know of your blog now that I have stumbled upon it. Keep safe and don't get shot by a trophy hunter mistaking you for a gorilla. ps..there is a girl I would like you to look up in Bangkok..........
i thought of something to tell you! you are lucky to be in africa because it is FECKING FREEZING here!!!! wind and snow and all sorts, it's been blowing a blizzard today - i have literally never been sooooo cold! EVER! (except possibly yesterday cos i wore pumps and no socks into town - don't know why.) emily heard that this CRAP weather blew straight down from the arctic, which is nice. defos emigrating/hibernating next winter. but for the mean time i might make good on my yearly promise to buy and wear a balaclava. it is DEF balaclava time. count yersel' lucky... wish i was in warmer climes.... getting a bit jealous thinking about it actually. grrrrrrrr. stay safe! xxxxxxxx
Katy! (Loudon?)
guys guys guys just read your blog! amazing! it sounds sooooo amazing! it really does. you have done so many cool things i can't believe it! (think you might have done another blog that i somehow can't find as i think i didn't start at the start.. i'll figure it out later) safari sounds good, can't believe lions etc were wandering so close to your tent... scary! trying to think of something i could update you on here.... nothing is springing to mind... tonight we are going to a new club that has an indoor waterall and fire walls (or something?) er... that's all i can think of. keep putting up the blogs and put up some photos you lazy hos! (joking, i bet the internet is nightmare slow out there) missin you both lots xxxxxx oh also can't believe getting checked for ebola aat hte borders, there's no way you could catch it is there?? calso, glad you didn't have to hide at the borders - that would be frightening! xxxxxx
cheers for the messages guys... lovin the contact?? having the best time of our lives!! planning to update the blog asap, apologies for delay, africa's internet sucks!! x
hello guys.
Sounds amazing what youre up to get another post on for an update. Dont worry - villa and everton wernt the only team to suffer a cup upset :(
Take care and keep in touch
Rob Edmondson
Sorry to tell yopu that Villa lost to Man Utd. as you can probably imagine we were really rooting for the Villa. Everton out of the cup as well...beaten by Oldham!!!
City still there..should have had a penalty... have to replay at Eastlands v West Ham.
Good to see a few additions to the message board. Erg seems to be having a great time!!! As you will probably read this again Steve, We are so pleased that you are enjoying Oz. Keep up the good work. Watch out for Aussies with corks in their hats!!!
You two need to add some info to the site when you can
Take care everybody!
Sounds quality mate, glad your havin a gudden. All good here just had a week in Airlie Beach for new year, absolutely awesome. Now i'm in Brisbane on my own for a bit so gonna be a proper tourist for a few days and see some sights!! Take it easy pal.
Now then legends,
So whats going down kids, you keeping well, out of mischief? From what little i have read and heard it sounds like you are having a peraler, oh so jealous!! No real news here dudes if you go on facebook youc will see some very amusing pics from New Years on my latest pics! Other than that i have ben pretty ill over Xmas which was no fun!
Me and Bex bought our weding rings today which was cool, mine is more expensive than hers...he he he!
Must apologise for my lack of football update but i have since thought about it and thought anything you need to know you can quickly followup on bbc sport?! Let mwe know cos i don't wanna let you down bro!
Right got some high brow game of scrabble to attend to and so i must dash!
Love to you both and enjoy dropping shapes to some great new beats xxxxxx
Rob Edmondson
Great to get your email today. Mum has read it now. She went to the atlas straight away to check whereTanzania is....she says it is still next to Kenya!!!
Neal come clean...have you been doing what your mum said you shouldn't???......I mean wrestling crocodiles of course? Surprised there is any room in the Nile for you what with hippos crocs and dead wildebeast/ We are awaiting the next installment with bated breath!
As we speak City are beating Newcastle...if that contiues we will pass you yet again! Dad