big man.... i wil see you shortly with all my tales stored up for months to come after the wedding celebrations! x
Rob Edmondson
I have now read all your report/ blog from NZ! It sounds like a really beautiful place. Does it look any better from the air? Take real good care my son....I really want to see you alive and well and able to tell the tale next month after the celebrations!
Rob Edmondson
The Bungy Jump photos are very good. I do not believe that at any time of my life I WOULD HAVE WANTED, BEEN ABLE, WISHED TO DO SOMETHING THAT CRAZY....YOUR MAD.....5
Hi Caroline, it's Katy, your cousin Angie's best friend. It's looks like you're having an amazing time! I'm off to Malawi soon - any tips? x
Rob Edmondson
Neal, was that speckled Jim that I saw? Be very careful near those cockateils!!!!
Rob Edmondson
Neal and Caroline, Your slide show of Oz/Brisbane was great! I saw it lying down!!!?
Anne Bell
Hi Lizzie,
You might not be aware but Robert Mugabe has conceded defeat in the elections. Looks like he actually wont be contesting it.... watch this space. Mum xxx
Anne Bell
Hello my Brown Girl. You are coming up a lovely in some of the picture. Easter Weekend begins tomorrow but I believe you will see some signs of it out there too. Jenny has asked Dad how many Easter eggs she will get and he didn't twig! I am going to York with her one day over the weekend as Dad is only off Sat and Sun, aw. So that will be strangely good. Well I'm afraid I'm missing you so am going to go and feel sorry for myself and indulge in something sweet and lots of it. Say Hi to Nealipoos and take care both of you. Love Mum et al xxx
Anne Bell
I guess I am reading this as you are inputting the information. Caroline... Neal... I do hope you are keeping a diary you only appreciate how useful it will be until you hit a memory black spot in the future! Oh and Jen has booked to Ghana flight and all ! Right I am defo going next... and I can fire straight. Mum xx
Rob Edmondson
Neal/Caroline, great to see the messages coming from a wider audience. not so sure about Gary's woman in Bangcock!!!???
however, you two seem to be well....good. Africa has provided a great deal of excitement...will you be sad to leave? or is it a case of bring on Oz? how was Joannesburg? I bet the city seemed split...the wealthy and the very poor???
Aunty Marian has actually managed to get onto the blog now! She and Gwen's daughter Milly actually had a whale of a time looking at the gorillas. Love. Dad.
1 Of The Mums
Hi N&C
You will be interested to know the uk was hit by an earthquake measuring 5.2 around 1am on Tuesday night (26th) !! it happened in Gainsbro' Lincolnshire. I woke to the cupboard door all rattling and accused Dad of doing it (hehe) but I didnt rem until he reminded me. AND we had an aftershock last night when all the electricity went off... YAY. apparently it was so deep that it was felt as far away as scotland. One poor guy in Newcastle had just got his car back from renovation and a wall fell on it. A deep crater appeared in Stokesley and swallowed half the industrial estate.... Oh no that was just a dream. bye4now babes. Mum xxx
Anne Bell
I have so many wonderful pics I'm changing my desktop every day now. I wonder at how sensational some of that scenery is and especially those skies. How envious am I... just came last in the local pub quizz but who would have asked a question where Layton Orient was the answer.