Crikey I've not written in a while! I've not really had the chance and not much has happened really! As you can tell from the location of this post, I'm now in Kempsey, well Collombatti, with Lynda and the two dogs Ruby and Prince! But I shall fill you in on the past few days anyway, even though its not that interesting! Lol!!
My last day in Brisbane I just relaxed and went on tinternet then went to a food court and had a delicious lunch! Then it was time to get on the OzEx bus to Surfers Paradise! On the way we stopped off at the Gold Coast Zorb site, the only Zorb site in Australia! I didn't do it though, I'm waiting until New Zealand to do it with Janet as you really get up close and personal with the other people in the Zorb!! It looked like so much fun though!! Can't wait! I finally made it to Surfers Paradise, in the rain! I met a couple from Scotland, who, it turns out, are on the same flight to Nadi and Janet and I!! Small world! I also met a girl from England who I became very close to very quickly! It was bizzare!! We went out for pizza and just talked away, a quick dinner turned into a 2.5 hour chat-fest!
The next day, Rosslyn left to go back to England! But she left me a note with her email address on it! I was chuffed lol. I looked out the window to find that it was absolutely pissing down!! So I sat and waited and chatted to Ash and Nic! I was planning on getting the shuttle bus but turned out I got the times wrong so had to walk into town! I got completely soaked but I was determined to see the area! There was a surf comp on at the time so I went down and tried to deal with the rain and wind, I didn't last long lol. But there was a jet-ski show on at 2 so I made a mental note to go back! I got some lunch and walked around the shops for a bit then went back to the beach! It turned out it was surfers being pulled along behind jet-skis so that they could get enough speed to do ariel moves! It was amazing to see them jump the waves and spin around and all that!!
The next day (Sunday) I decided to go to Pacific Fair, a huge shopping precinct! So I got ready and went... it turned out it was a 4km walk out and 4km back then wotever I walked after that so I probably ended up walking around 10km today! Crazy! But the centre was huge, about 3 times the size of Junction 1! So many shops and food courts, I had a mad craving for mashed potato so got chicken nuggets, mash and gravy for lunch lol. I also bought myself a Lonely Planet Fiji travel guide so I'll have a clue of wot to do there lol. After I got back I got on the OzEx bus to Byron Bay, in New South Wales, so no longer in Queensland! I got to the hostel in Byron, the Arts Factory, and got settled down into my teepee!! Yep, a teepee! It was bloody freezing in there, no heating or anything, so I ended up sleeping in my Australia Zoo hoodie, in my sleeping bag liner, in my sleeping bag, under a sheet! I had my hood up and everything it was so cold! Oh well!!
Unfortunately the next day I had to leave Byron so didn't get a chance to explore the town but it looks really nice! But we left at 8am for Surf Camp. I was feeling extremely anxious about the surfing, and once we got there I made the decision not to go surfing. I just wasn't comfortable doing it. I think before I come back I'll get laser eye surgery so I don;t hafta worry about bloody goggles and not being able to see!! So I was the designated photographer for the day, and was more than happy to do it! So I just relaxed while watching the others get thrown off their boards and swallowing the sea! It did look a lot of fun but just not my cup of tea! After the group got themselves sorted out after their lesson we went for dinner and had delicious pumpkin soup!! Yay!! Then we started drinking!! Me and Brad, a Canadian guy went for a few walks in the moonlight and went to go down onto the beach but the rain had made the river swell and the tide was very high due to the full moon so we sat on the jetty for a while instead and just talked about nothing in particular! I've noticed people don't understand me when it comes to words with w in them like cow or town lol. It took a while lol.
Tuesday brought me to Kempsey! Brad stayed at the Surf camp so we all said bye to him then hopped on the bus! I got into Kempsey an hour early and couldn't find a fone to reach Lynda so I just sat and read my Fijibook! 10.30 came and went and Lynda didn't appear! She appeared at aroung 11.30 or there abouts, she had been running around everywhere trying to find me lol but we found each other which is the main thing! So we came back to the house in the Collombatti countryside! Its beautiful, a converted shed all open plan! So nice! And I met her housemates, Ruby and Prince! Ruby is a complete header, she's so funny! Prince was pretty shy of me at first but he's quickly getting used to me! So we went out with Mick, one of Lyndas neighbours, into town and just walked around Kempsey for a bit! The good thing is I now get to have my fix of Neighbours and Home and Away!!! Yay!!
Yesterday we went to Trial Bay Gaol, in the rain, so didn't stay very long! Then we took a drive along the headland to Smoky Cape Lighthouse, but we didn't go walk around it as it was so cold and wet! Then we went to the Riverside Tavern for a drinkie and watched wild kangeroos in the paddock beside the pub! One of them got pretty close as we walked out, a huge male, probably taller than me when he stood on his back legs!
Today is a relaxing day, Lynda's at work so I'm at home with the dogs and cows! And the ducks of course! I woke up to a huge thunderstorm but it seemed to do the trick as its now nice and sunny out there! Woohoo!!
I think we're leaving the farm with the two dogs to go to Sydney on Friday! Can't believe I'll be in Sydney soon lol its very exciting!!
Love and miss you all xxx
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