Bula bula bula!! I've arrived back from the Yasawa Islands refreshed, revived, and full of cocktails! The Yasawas are beautiful, postcard perfect!! After the Hard Rock on Saturday night, where the staff danced around to YMCA and the like and Jen joined in, it was bed time early as I was up early to start the Ultimate Lei!!
Sunday brought me to the Yasawa Flyer terminal where I checked in and met one of my fellow Ultimate Leiers, James (Hugh Grant lookie-likie). 5 hours on the Yasawa Flyer (where I bumped into some girls I knew from New Zealand) took us to our first night on a tropical island, Tavuwa, and Coral View Resort! We were greeted by the staff singing the Bula Song. After we got checked in and had lunch I seeked out my first hammock of the trip! I relaxed all afternoon until it started raining... great! At dinner time we were called in by drums and we settled down with a cocktail then just sat about enjoying it lol. I met a few people, including Anya from Ireland. It was an early night, all that hammock-swinging took it outta me!!
Monday it was an early start as I was woken up by cockrels!! Joy! No lie ins in Fiji!! Atleast the breakfasts are worth getting up for, pancakes and fruit! Then it was a hop into Joes Water Taxi and off we sped towards the World Famous Sawa-I-Lau Caves... apparently they were in the movie Blue Lagoon with Brooke Shields! I got myself ready with my prescription goggles and snorkelling gear then went to the caves. To get in the water we had to jump off a ledge... lucky the water is warm over here! We went through into the first cave and swam about a bit, it was pretty impressive. Then the second cave beckoned, we had to swim underwater to reach it and once we got in there we were in the pitch black! We were guided to a smaller cave (follow the light...) where we all gathered in. Trust me, treading water in a dark confined space with a lot of people was pretty hard!! Especially when James mentioned that there was a spider... then let out a "man shriek"... there was a massive spider on the wall of the cave! Thank God I couldn't see properly lol. We thankfully got outta the cave and back into daylight! We then got back to Coral View and me Matt Christina and Anya walked to the summit to get some amazing views of the Yasawas! We then had dinner then played some card games, and some drinking games!
Tuesday was our last day on Coral View, and we had the farewell song sang to us, it was pretty sad! Then we were off again, this time to a live on board boat, the Wanna Taki, a big yellow floating device! We got checked in and then headed up on deck for our afternoon tea. Then a few went off and snorkelled. I stayed on board and chatted to a few girls, and played more card games. We had dinner then and started the drinking! The Wanna Taki special, FMU (F**k Me Up) which had 120ml of alcohol and 150ml of pineapple juice... yep it was strong! I had 2 of those and 2 Pina Coladas and the rest of the night was a bit of a blur!! As we danced about as the boat rolled, we ran from side to side... it was a lot of fun!
Wednesday we were up early... after a night drinking it wasn't the best thing, but we did have a great breakfast! Then I went back down below and slept a bit more before heading over to an island opposite Manta Ray Resort. Here we went snorkelling, and it was the best snorkelling I've ever seen! Better than the Great Barrier Reef I reckon! But I think I prefer snorkelling in a bay rather than open water. Especially wen I've gotta hold my nose lol. The fish were amazing and there were bright blue starfish there too as well as really colourful coral. I wish I had an underwater camera tho... I didn't get any shots unfortunately. After about an hours snorkelling we went back for lunch, and I tried marlin, and felt really guilty for eating it after seeing all the fish!! After that we headed back to the boat where we had a farewell thing again then off we went again! Our next stop was Waya Lai Lai, an island opposite Kuata. It was pretty good, the dorm was full by the time I checked in so I got into a private bure with a double bed! I was sharing with 2 Austrian guys who had bunk beds at the back. It was pretty cool! We had a Kava ceremony then a traditional Fijian meal, cooked under ground! It was pretty nice! I met up with the 2 girls from New Zealand again and we had a drink in a coconut which was delicious, then we ate the coconut after!!
Thursday I woke up and realised I missed breakfast! Damn! But I went down to the activities bure and signed in for my reef snorkelling trip... I was a little nervous as the waves were pretty big! But we got into the long boat anyway and off we went! Oh my god... I've never been so scared in all my life!!! It was hectic, we left the bottom of the boat more times than I cared to remember! And we got very wet too!! Lots of spray lol. But we got out to the reef safely then went to snorkel. It was ok, but I found it quite hard coz the waves were huge! Then we got to a clearing and thats wen we saw the sharks!! Some of them were pretty huge, reef sharks, so harmless to humans! But still quite scary! I also thought it was pretty mean coz the guides were grabbing the shark and letting people touch it then people kept going after them and grabbing them. Not nice! After the snorkelling we headed back to the resort where I found solice in my hammock! After dinner we had a few games which were fun!
Friday was another lazy day... not very interesting reading for you guys, sorry! It was hammocks all the way to lunchtime which was delicious, then we went back to our hammocks. Christina had bought a bottle of water and I thought it looked a bit cloudy! She shook it up a bit and there was a dead shrimp floating in it... it was hilarious! She took it back to the bar and they told her it must've been some of the staffs water! How funny! Later in the afternoon we got the long boat out to meet the Yasawa Flyer and off we went to our last island of our trip, South Sea Island. Its the tiniest island in the Yasawas. It was lovely, and we played Uno after dinner!!
Saturday took us to a cloudy day, and we went and got onto Seaspray, famous as apparently it was on TV or summat! As we got our transfer it started bucketing down out of the heavens! It didn't stop all day! We got absolutely soaked and we didn't even go near the water! It was also pretty cold which was unfortunate. But we sailed around the Mamanucas... we didnt see much as the clouds were so low but we did have unlimited booze and food so we didn't complain! We hopped off the boat and had a village visit where we drank kava and then did a bit of shopping at the markets. On the way back while waiting for the long boat we sat in the water as it was warmer than the air! Then we got back on the boat, had lunch and sailed towards the island used in the movie Castaway! Unfortunately the sea was too rough for us to moor and head out to the island, but we looked at it anyway! The day was a bit of a washout (he he he) but it was still a lot of fun! We got back to Port Denarau and checked into the hostel. Then I just relaxed and hit bed early.
Sunday (Today) I woke up at 10.40 to find out that checkout time was 11am! Eeep!! So I got up and had a very quick shower and packed up, then I just hung about the resort then came in here to update you all! Tonight I'm flying out to LA, very excited and also a little nervous!! But next time you'll hear from me will be in the States!
Love and miss you all xxx
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