Costal walk: Bondi Beach - Coogee Beach Via Tamarama, Clovelly and Bronte Beach.
This scenic costal walk according to the guide books and hostel staff takes about an hour to walk to Bronte from Bondi and a half hour for the Bronte to Coogee stretch - Well.... im not so sure as it took me three....!!! I suppose stopping to take in the amazing costal views and take all my pictures added a few hours on!
Along the way I had my first Creepy Crawlie sighting - although it was a smallish one and in a cobweb in the park!!! Also, something that looked very much like 'Rowland' crossed my path!!!
Beautiful views all along the way and the beaches which also have parks so if you dont fancy lounging in the sun on the sand then there's always the grass!!!
On arriving at Coogee Beach I wandered round and stopped of for some lunch - Pancakes with honey, strawberries and bananas - well deserved after the long walk methinks.....YUM!!!
Heading back to Bondi Beach took a more reasonable two hours, and after my nice long walk I should be on the way to becoming very fit, especially legs and bottom with walking all that way and back in my new 'FitFlops' which I bought after my Birkenstocks went and broke... You can really feel the burn...!!!
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