After waking up to very loud rain at god knows what time and then again and again. Then what seemed like a split second later the alarm going off. The rain was just about easing up as Stu left . Good job really as he wasn't looking forward to getting wet.
I love this place. It's really well thought about. 3 separate businesses make up one complete service. From school to work to an intimate product launch.
Always busy and something going on.
I even had Wolf knocking on the door this morning as he has school Thursday - Monday which was a nice surprise. And they have the most outstanding wood burner. Made especially with a specific chipper. Pushes the chips on a conveyer type belt in to a dryer then into the burner that is about the size of our sitting room in total. It does however heat the house, school next doors house and the farm on the other side. Very cool
Anyway the sun came out and i had a lovely walk into altdorf along the number 5 route might make a better ride into town aswell not quite as steep. Dogs liked it.
Last day today. Think we might head down to Garmisch for the weekend. Should get in some bike rides.
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