The big town!! Queenstown. It is an amazing town. If there's one place that has convinced me to like New Zealand (even though i was warming to it anyway) its been Queenstown. it has everything and is only a small place with a few thousand permament residents and the rest are all tourists.
So arrived on our first day to discover that the one shop we all wanted to go to had been shut down for renovation for the duration of our time there. Gutted was not the word. We were all devastated. FURGBURGER!! It is aparently the most amazing burger ever and anyone thats ever had one will tell you the same. They are massive aswell. So massive that you dont even need chips! ha. So that wasnt a great start to the trip but it got a whole lot better. BUNGY!!!
Had a quiet night on our arrival there with just a few drinks to calm the nerves or what had been building and building for the last 10 days or so. The Nevis bungy jump. If you havent heard of it, its the biggest bungy jump in New Zealand at 134 metres. Its an 8.5 second freefall and looks quite ridiculous to be honest. Google it and you will see. Or just look at the photos and video I've put up. So the morning of the Nevis jump was also Jades birthday. Bright and early we were up and we had convinced a couple of the boys to do the jump with us too so we all headed out to the jump site and got suited and booted in the harness. At this point we were coping but the nerves were starting to show and a few beads of sweat had appeared. It just looked stupid and we felt pretty stupid for even contemplating it. But oh well, we're travelling. There were 15 people jumping (most we didnt know) and two girls watching. I was one of the first in the gondola which we had to get in to get across to the pod (its suspended on two high wires across a canyon over a river...not scary at all!!!!) even though i was the last one to jump because i was the lightest person there jumping and people jump in weight order. Our friend Jonathan went first as he was heaviest and it was one two three go and he was gone. As quick as that. No messing around. Then our friend Joe was next. Not so quick. He was crapping himself. Well almost. Took him a while but he finally went. Then we had to wait around for everyone else to go. Cant really say that that helped the nerves at all but I kept myself together and so did Jade. Didnt help either that a lot of the pod was glass floor so you could see everything that was going on. Finally for to Jade and she didnt do the most graceful of dives...well she didnt dive at all, just did a little jump. But she did it all the same. By this point, most of the people that had jumped had gone back in the gondola back to dry, hard safe land. So there were only a couple of people left in the pod. Then the crew told me that they were getting a bit complacent at this point. Oh great, that settled me. But they strapped me up, i waddled to the edge of the tiny tiny platform and asked me if i was ready to go but before he began his countdown from five, i was away! The most amazing thing ever. Freefalling, the ground is speeding towards your face and you can just feel the rush of the wind. Considering that two months ago i had said that a bungy is the one thing that i will never ever ever do, I could do another right now. So so so so good. Loved it.
After the bungy, we were all on a bit of a high and as the weather was perfect, we all went down to the Lake and had a bbq there. I got a cake for Jades birthday and some fizzy wine and we sat drank and ate all afternoon. The absolute perfect day and the best day by far on the whole trip. Then we went out that night and that was the sugar on top of the strawberry on the top of the icing on the cake! We went to the World bar (teapot land as it is known to me) where they serve cocktails in teapots. Hence the photos with all the teapots in them. Was lots of fun as everyone was out and we were still on a high from the bungy. Whilst in the bar, i got myself into a little water fight with the driver from our bus and got my self drenched. But of course that wasnt going to stop me and i stayed out the rest of the night in my wet dress. very attractive.
The next day wasnt quite as much fun as Jades birthday had been but the weather was still amazing so we sunbathed all afternoon and tried to get back to normal. Those teapots are dangerous. We had fish and chips for tea that night, some feel good food and a bit of stodge to soak up the last of the nights alcohol. Then it was early to bed coz was still feeling rough as toast.
More gloroius weather the next day so we decided to go for a little walk up a huge hill where our friend Jonathan (who did the bungy with us) was doing a different bungy at the top. There is a gondola ride up the hill but as it was a nice day and we were told that if you walk up you get the free gondola back down, we decided to walk. Was ther a free gondola on tha way back down, was there b*llocks. Excuse the language but i was annoyed that we had walked in the heat for an hour to get nothing for our achievement. So i decided to do a bit of bargaining with the woman in charge of tickets (not that i couldnt afford the $11 back down but this was principal and my stubborness kicking in) but she wasnt having any of it and even when i told her i had no money (i was lying) she said id have to walk. And walk i did. Just to annoy her. Which i think it did when i made a point of walking back down even though everyone else bar one decided to pay the money. Oh well. Thats just me. For our last night we weren't really going to have anything to drink but one thing led to another and next thing i know, im having a bet with one of the guys that works in the bar and the loser gets thrown into the lake. Surprisingley, very surprisingley, i won! But did that stop the guy from throwing me in with him anyway. Did it eck. 4am, freezing cold in dripping wet clothes. Not a good look...again. Seems to be a reoccuring theme getting myself into situations with water. Was all part of the fun though and it was. Our last night in Queenstown. Very sad to leave.
Christchurch next and dont quite think it will compare but we will see. Almost positive it wont but....
Lots of love. Thanks for the emails/messages etc. Hope everyone is keeping well and speak to you soon xxxxx
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