Nat and Beck Go Large!
Moved to St Kilda on Saturday and guess what..... yep you got it, it started to lash down (take cover its spitting!). We were going to have a night out but just ended up going to the bar downstairs - The Elephant and Wheelbarrow. We sat there until about 1am waiting for the Liverpool match to come on the TV - Nat had the glass lad harrassed telling him to get the match on - then we realised it was the wrong day, ooops!
The hostel we were staying in was quite cosy, it was only a five bed dorm and the girls we were sharing with were nice, didn't have smelly feet and were hardly ever there. You could have free pancakes for breakfast but we never actually got up early enough to get any. This week we have been mostly eating beans on toast.
On Sunday we went into town to the Travellers Expo in the Exhibition Museum. We missed the talk that we wanted to go to but we had a look around the stalls etc and got some good info on Fiji and a few other places. It took us longer than we expected to get round the exhibits though because there were two Fijian blokes doing crazy Fijian dancing in grass skirts. One was a big buff bloke with scary face paint and the other was a teeny-tiny-mini version of his mate - we actually felt quite tall in comparison. Anyway, we had to stand at the back of the crowd and wait for about 10 mins for them to finish 'cos they kept doing scary dancing at anyone who walked past them and we just weren't willing to risk it! We were a bit lost for something to do so decided to have a toddle down Brunswick Street while we were in town. Two bottles of wine later (and another safely tucked away in a bag) we hopped on the tram back to the hostel with one thing on our minds... beans on toast! While creating our culinary master piece we got talking to a couple of Irish boys - Gary, Homer Simpsons biggest fan with an angry looking Homer tattooed on his leg and Ross, a scaled down version of Allan Richards - and ended up back in the Pub downstairs. This time we actually managed to watch the match but not before some other Random bloke called Wayne fell in love with Nat and kept headlocking her. Don't worry we managed to get rid of him eventually - 'I don't have my phone with me to give you my number, do you Becky?', 'No Nat, I mysteriously have no way to give him my number so he can contact you either!'
Yesterday was spent mainly horizontal, Nat managed to do some constructive things like repacking her backpack and cooking dinner - I was unable to help as I had a bad head and was lost in the crazy world of Jackie Collins. Seriously the woman is a genius, she deserves the prize for the most far fetched trash Ive ever read, I can't get enough! It was meant to be a quiet one last night but we had our arms twisted into sharing a box of goon with Gary - It would have been rude to say no - so it ended up being a late one.
Today we spent 7 quality hours getting to know the sofa in the TV room, as we had to be out of our room at 10am. Spent most of the day watching my fave type of telly - Quincy, Diagnosis Murder, America's Next Top Model, Law and Order etc and reading trashy books.
We are currently sitting (with all our luggage) in an internet cafe near to the bus station. The plan is to eat Subway out of Chicken Teriyaki and Sweet Onion Sauce before we get on the coach at 9pm for our long journey up to Canberra. We're only staying one day 'cos we've heard there isn't much to do there, then its back to Sydney our fave place!
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