St Kilda - Melbourne, Victoria
Hi Everyone!
So to my suprise i actually made it to Australia on my own!
mum dad and stef droped me off at heathrow for my flight on thursday 10th Feb, althought i was getting a little worried that i would miss my flight as there was so much traffic on the way to the airport, but i made it in time checked in and said my goodbyes to everyone. As i got there pritty late i ( plus my many tears) manged to board my flight straight away. it may just be me being very common but i thought the flight was pritty kool all the staff were thai and wore saris, you got a small menue with a choice of foods for dinner and breakfast and yea mum and jess there was curry and omlette haha! For the first time i actually ate airoplane food ( go me ) the curry was really good! Oh And all my fellow drinking buddys there was free alcohol ALL flight :-)
So i arrived in Bankok the airport was horrible i got so lost but after walking up and down about 3 times i found where i had to go and had a well deserved fag in the smoking room before going to my gate. so there i am sitting at the gate waiting to board my flight when to my horror my name is called out over the tannoy yes i actually pooped myself haha but after going to the desk thye just wated me to move seat pheww after a little moaning from me stating that i really wnated my window seat they gave me a whole row to myself sweeeettttt!! so i have 3 seats 3 pillows 3 blankets and 3 tv's good times! Jess i finally watched life as we know it .. good film ( un like having to watch unstoppable again on the first flight ahhh).
So i finally landed in Australia after 22 hours to descover the hoestel had forgotten to pick me up great! anyway they finally got me and took me to the hoestel when i arrived there was loads of people just standing outside drinking and all in reception listining to blazing music wasnt a bad welcome.
I was staying in a room with a girl room germany, a girl from belgum and some boy i havnt yet spoke to, the girls are lovley and we all went into melbourne centere yesterday and did some shopping and looking around i bought a cute bag and yes mum i really did need it :-)., melbourne city kind of reminds me of london there loads of designer shops and lots of street performers but its alot nicer and cleaner!! while we was out the girl from belgum ( caroline) got a call for work in madura picking grapes and got ask to start monday! so tomorrow morning she leaves us, the farmer asked if she knew anyone else needed work so me and the girl from germany ( lillian) can also start on tuesday if we want to but im not sure yet!! midura is 8 hours from melbourne by train and bus so we will see!!
Aftrer buying some food for dinner, which looks like we will be pasta with a diffrent sauce everynight we attempted to cook in the not so nice hostel kitchen after having to waiting for forks and plates the food was ok in the end. Saturday night me and lillian went out in St kilda for a few drinks, St Kilda is a really kool town it has tons of really cute bars and resturants all next to each other thers alwasy lots of people just chiling outside and doing there own thing, we went to a place called 29th apartment was a really kool bar it had a bed in and a bath and some other random stuff, lillian ordered me some strange drink that she likes from germany it was horrible and tasted like hairspray and after having to pay $18 for two frinks we decded to go back to the hostel and drink the goon we had bought earler 4 liters for $10 alot better :-)
So Today is the St Kilda festival theres lots of live bands playing and rides etc it looks like its a pritty big deal the road to the beach is closed for cars and everyone seems to be going, were heading down there in abit so should be good fun!
Tomorow i will be trying to sort out my phone and getting ym bank account set up as i cant do it til monday as its the weekend and the banks are shut til monday!!
Anyways iv proberlly bored you all to death now So ill speak to you soon for another update
Love you and miss you all lots xxxxx
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