Natalie's latest entry
Kota Kinabulu Borneo March 2012, Malaysia
We left Sandakan on Thursday 15th march for kota kinabulu. It was a 6 hour bus journey. We turned up at sandakan bus station for the 9am bus which we wanted to get and unfortunately it was full, so we had to wait for the 10am, gutting. Again, as if on queue there was the annoying English couple from our hotel who left in a taxi a few minute…
Nat Williams aww!! This is lovely!! but i dont know if you're aware, there's someone stranded out at sea behind you... just floating... they may need help! xxx
re: photo from 22 February 2012Nat Williams they all your toys in the background? did andrew get a little overexcited and carried away in the shop again? xxx
re: photo from 22 February 2012Helen and Guy And theres the flip flops! Bandana next!
re: photo from 29 January 2012Guy and Helen Nice vest! Next he'll be wearing flip flops next! Prediction of returning as a hippy is getting more true by the day!
re: photo from 29 January 2012emily Beautiful hun xx
re: photo from 10 November 2011