Hey People's!
Hope your're all good! Just a quick one before i head off to the sacred valley tomorrow and then trekking up Machu Picchu on sunday woop woop! i am seriously looking forward to it!
Am also here in the internet cafe to let my breakfast go down as i did eat like a bit of a horse! but it was soooo good and i wasnt going to leave any was I!
I cant remember what i last told you but we took a loooong bus here to cusco which is really nice and full of stuff to do. The other day Mikko, Peiia and I went to visit the big cathedral here in cusco which is amazing and very huge! They even have a picture of the last supper with a sneaky guinea pig in it which i find hilarious! We then met Kelly and Olly and all squeezed into a taxi to this market thing which turned out to be the same as every market in the world, full of cheap, knock-off tat but i did get some trousers for about 6 quid for the trek which are way to big but will do! Its funny as well how no matter where you go in the world at the moment all you hear is THRILLER!!! or WHO'S BAD or heal the world make it a better place blah blah blah!!!! We then went to sort out our mountain bike ride which we did yesterday and yesterday we found out he was a big fat liar! he told us it was fine for beginners - blatent lie! if you see some of the pics you'll see what i mean! it was a really technically difficult and dangerous at times track (but well fun!) he told us we would have a veggie lunch - ham sandwiches, he told us he would bring some large helmets for the guys who have massive heads - he bought 5 mediums, and he told us we would be taken in a bus by his company - we caught a local bus. None of that was a problem really but it was just the fact that he blatently lied about so much and it wasnt like we werent going to do it, we had already paid! So i think some of the guys have gone to complain about him hahaha! the guy who took us round was great though and fixed my bike (which was also too big for me which didnt help either!) at lunch which was needed rather desperatley as i was ready to kill myself and punch the bike, the gears didnt really work and i didnt have a huge breakfast (shocking i know! not by choice the breakfast at the hotel wasnt great and there wasnt much left) so it was really hard in the morning but after lunch i dont know what he did to it but it was much better and i loved it! the scenery around us was absolutely spectacular! and its lucky im not someone who gets bored of scenery because it really was beautiful! The pic for this blog was one of the stops, its a salt thing (does have name and probably a good expaination but i cant remmeber it lol!) and we stopped at Moray which is cool too if anyone feels the need to google it! We left at about 9 in the morning and got back at about half 6 and we cycled about 45 kilometers which was very full on but great fun and our bums KILL today! So we had a well earned mcdonalds when we got back and went straight to bed!
By the way i happend to read one of my blogs the other day and i dont know how anyone was supposed to understand it! many a typo and general moron spelling and grammer were a lurking so sorry for that lol! i blame the fact im usually in a hurry to get done before i get charged to much lol!
Take care and will speak to you all soon if i survive machu picchu! which'll probably be mid next week!
Lotsa love Nat
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