hi girls , cant believe you will be home on sunday , cant wait to see you . at least we havnt forgotten what you look like , because we have had all the lovely photos to look at . i bet you are having a great time in america , dont spend it all though , they wont let you through customs [ ha ha ] .how many suitcases have you got ? we will all be at that airport naomi , see you then . bye bye love you loads . all our love and kisses from grandma and grandad .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jess @ Arfs
Hi Naomi!
Man it looks like you are having the best time ever! Very inspirational - I'm getting very itchy feet looking at all your pictures (May start planning my own trip.....any tips ? hee hee!) Keep up the good work and keep posting them pictures - they are amazing (apart from the spider which is scaaaaarrrryyy!) All is good at ARFS - we are all looking forward to seeing you and mention you often :)
June Woods
hello girls hope you are both well and happy . we are ok , thank you very much for the post card naomi , it was the one with the dolphins on it , we are getting quite a collection now . i love getting them though . it seems as if you are closer to us , instead of all those miles away . your time is getting closer to you coming home naomi , i cannot believe its nearly six months since we saw you off on your terrific journeys . you will always remember it .i am sorry to know you were so sea sick when you went to see the dolphins ,it was not very nice for you .i bet you cant wait to see ellie mae she is so beautiful isnt she , leanne and lee are so proud of her . i believe they emailed you some photos .well auntie naomi thats all for now , grandad sends his love and kisses to you ,we both love and miss you loads .you might guess where he is in the shed of course , making stools for leanne bye . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Amanda And The Crazy Frogsh
Hi girls. It's been a while since I've been in touch.......don't laugh but the main reason is because the computer has not been used by any of my gang lately and I did not know how to switch it on and log on.......who said that dinosaurs were extinct! Anyway enough of that and back to you..........my you have been busy girls....is there anything now left to try.......well apart from childbirth that is and in the meantime little sis has beaten you to it.......can't wait to see the new arrival.....the photos are really sweet . Meanwhile back on the ranch life has been horrendously hectic .......Josh got hired and so now has a BBC camera to terrorise us with although at the moment he's in the Isle of Wight on a post SATS school trip. The girls have been in a dance show on Cromer pier and Tig has another photo shoot next week for the cover of a brand new magazine "Amy". I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to our holiday next week....Belgium by Seacat......not quite Fiji but it will have to do! Well I was going to say that if you can't be good be careful....but after all your crazy adventures I guess I needn't bother! Bye from a little bit sunny North Norfolk. Love from Amanda's gang.
Hiya girls,
I hope that you are both having a great time, we are all busy revising for exams over and as per normal the weather has been great for the last few days and we have to sit in doors and do work!!! Never mind 3 weeks to go and then exams are all over!!! Anyways i must go and get back to revision, i look forward to hearing from you soon and the photos are great. Take care lots of love Sara xxxxxx
June Woods
hi girls ,hope you are okay .we got back from malta on tuesday , arrived home about 4 oclock .we had a nice time , it was a good package , we had a hire car for three days , so we could see a lot of the island . also had 2 half day trips , and all our drinks were free all week . the weather was brill , it only rained one morning , that day we went over to gozo , which is an island , about 20 minutes on the ferry . there was quite a bit of turbulence on the way back [ did not like ] still not great grandparents yet , we did ask leanne to hang on till we got back .i think she is hoping it will be soon though ,she is a bit uncomfortable . well that is all for now . grandad sends his love , and we are really missing you now .lots of love and kisses grandma and grandad .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi guys , hope you are well and happy . thanks naomi for the post card ,it came yesterday . iam glad you are having a great time .we have looked at the latest photos , the crocs look a bit scary .well its easter already , the time seems to be going quickly ,well to us anyway .grandad sends his love . we are going on holiday to malta on tuesday , the 18 th of april . we are going with my brother and irene . we fly from gatwick airport . i hope the weather is a bit warmer than it is here . it rained again today .april showers ha ha .if i can get access to a computer i will try and write a message to you . well i think thats all for now naomi , take care wont you ,love and miss you loads ,grandma and grandad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dad And Mandy
Hi Naomi,
Right now we are in the Maldives, it's a tough life. Having a great time. Loads to tell you when I get the chance. Mandy looked really nice on the wedding day, and we have finally done it, and had the most fantastic time in Sri Lanka, out of this world. Maldives is great, we wont want to leave, better than any brochure. Had loads of sharks circling our water villa this morning and I am thinking of getting up early to swim with them tomorrow if they are around again. Swam with a turtle for about 20 mins yesterday, could have spent the entire day with it, it did not seem to mind. Hope you are well and enjoying your travels, I guess you will have loads to tell us, we can swap pics and videos then. Looking forward to seeing you again, it will be good. Seems ages ago that you left.
Love you loads,
Dad and Mandy X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Amanda And The Crazy Frogs
Hi girls. Glad to see that you're soaking up the sun and having a
ball.......spare a thought for us...it's absolutely freezing here...in fact our Easter bunnies might just not be prepared to hide the goodies in the garden at dawn this year.......I might conveniently forget to set the alarm and stay in bed instead! Naturally, Josh and Tig are so grown up these days that they find it all highly amusing and yours truly something of an embarrassment but then that's my job! We have had another visit from the BBC and they have now left a camera with Josh for him to do some trial video diaries.........from the initial 1,000 children auditioned Josh is now down to the final 20...........fingers crossed. Poor old fella has got to have yet another eye operation on Tuesday ....it's just one thing after another. I'm very much thinking of your Dad and Mandy right now because they can only be a few hours from tying the knot.... it would be nice to be a fly on the beach....hope all goes ticketyboo. Well must sign off now as I have some leotards on Ebay to pay for.....left a bid on 5 before we went out .....and have won the lot....fine except Tig already has well over 20 !........Carry on having fun ...until next time....love from Amanda's gang.
June Woods
hi naomi , how are you , keeping well i hope . we had a visit from ben last sunday , thank you very much for our pressies .grandad was pleased with his bookmark , and i liked the writing set ,it is very unusual .we have ryan staying with us at the moment . we have just been down to felixstowe for a ride out .friday we are going bowling . then saturday he is going back , to meet up with his friends .have looked at the latest photos , they are all super .you look niceley tanned . the temperature reached 10 degrees today , really mild [ha ha ]. it was a bit better than it has been .i think thats all the news at this end .love and miss you loads , from grandma and grandad . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mandy & Dad
Hi Naomi,
great pics again, looks a little stormy, and I am therefore not convinced that you have actually left these British shores. Is the whole thing an elaborate hoax?
The pace is hotting up at this end, I can feel the tension building, zero plus 4 and counting, but I will not be a bit phased, as you know I am supercool on all occasions. Anyone seen my passport, (it's probaly hiding in a safe place along with Amanda's email address) and is my passport actually still in date? I think I have had it ever since I was 5, so I look a bit different from my photo, but I am sure that will not be a problem.
Grandma And Grandad
hi girls. here i am again .been thinking of you a lot this week, well thats nothing fresh i think about you all the time .the weather is getting warmer , would you believe .i think the clocks go forward tonight .it will be nice to have nice light evenings .we have been looking at the recent photos , they are great .it seems to be sunny all the time .your mum came to see me on tuesday , on her birthday ,we went into town ,did a bit of shopping , and had lunch at pizza hut .we also met leanne in her lunch break . i expect you already know she finished work this week . thats all the news i have at the moment . so bye for now love and miss you .lots of hugs and kisses ,grandma and grandad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx