Brest, France Aug 6, 2011 Thank you for the comfort, the kindness, the driving me around the area to remind me how beautiful my country is.Thank you for making this moment a less difficult one for me.I love you.
Paris, France Aug 4, 2011 No real story here...In Paris, mourning, terribly.Appointments.Friends, comfort, words, text messages, emails...Thank you all for trying to make me feel better and even trying (and sometimes succeeding) to make me laugh.Thank you for your support.Love, love, love.Nadege
Paris, France Aug 3, 2011 I have the immense pain to tell you that Ismail, the man I fell in love with some months ago, died yesterday at the age of 32.He was a scuba diving instructor and was doing a wreck dive that day. His body was not recovered. I am so incredibly sad right now that I could sleep for 10 years.RIP beautiful Ismail. I miss you.
Dalat, Vietnam Aug 1, 2011 Bon et ben encore une fois j'ai une tetratonne de trucs à dire... Et je dois avouer, en introduction, que Dalat est pour le moment ce que j'ai préféré au Vietnam. Je viens de passer un jour et demi absolument géniaux... Un peu d'info sur Dalat, volée à Wikipedia, avec mes commentaires entre parenthèses:"Đà Lạt est une ville du Việt Nam de 188 467 habitants et capitale de la province de Lâm Đồng aux Hauts Plateaux ...