I can't believe I'm home!!! It feels really good to sleep in my own bed again (with all the animals there too) and put stuff in an actual closet.I even have ä and ö on my keyboard again,although I'm finding it difficult to remember that..:)
New York was my kinda town, and seeing my mom and Hantta was amazing! I have to admit if it hadn't been for them I would've probaply ended up staying in bed for the last few days and not seeing anything, I was exhausted! (actually I still am because some genius decided to move my entrance exam to today so I haven't really slept..) Although we spent most of our time in Macy's department store throwing our money around, we did see the Statue of Liberty and the Friends house along with some other cool stuff.I liked NY a lot more than LA! Oh yeah, I managed to spot a few celebs on my trip to the states, I saw Cliff Curtis (just google..) in a post office in LA and Usher was on my flight to NY! We also stayed in Las Vegas when Obama and his crew were there,obviously in a different hotel though.:)
Coming back home was awesome, my dogs remembered me against all odds and were even extremely glad to see me which was a bonus.:) Seeing the rest of my family felt pretty darn good too.I've enjoyed my trip aroung the world tremendously, I've met so many wonderful people and seen amazing places, gotten a few new tattoos and experienced enough mountain climbing to last a lifetime.My hair has changed colour (a few times actually) and I don't think any of the clothes I found in my bags came with me from Finland..:) I am extremely glad to be back home though and not having to fly anywhere fo a while!!! I've had 16 flights in the last 4 months,really takes the thrill out of it..
Thank you everybody for your messages, I hope you've enjoyed following me around!!!:)
Why not on holiday.
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