Hey guys,
So we are three hours away from heading to Hanoi via bus... if you ever see a map of Vietnam you will know that this is more than half of the country that we are trying to cover in one night!! Insane but this is the traveller life... 15 hours on a bus.
Okay so Hue was not so good... there is nothing to do here. This is a shut down town, the Hostel is cool at least, Hue BackPacker. $12 per double bed for me and Vanessa to shre and lower the cost. I hope there is something cheap in Hanoi.
So our plans are full and futuristic for Hanoi, we have so much to do and I can't wait to get there!
Just a quick message to everyone at home: I have 27days left!!!! Homeward stretch!
Vietnam has been a whirlwind so far and there is only more craziness seeping out of the woodwork the further we go! Can't wait! But homeward bound and happy :)
So i'm also the black mrket dealer of PG tips this trip... smuggling english tea to hanoi. It's winner when Vietnam is just full of English, German's and Austrailian's. It's dollar a teabag and it works :P
Okay so I will dash off and say ciao for now my friends.
Update very soooooon!
Miss you all!
- comments
Mum should have sent you out more t bags!!!!!!!!!!