After our early start and journery across the Belizian and Guaemalan boarder it was strange sense of relief to hear English spoken all around imediately. I'd forgot how easy the simple things are when you speak the same first language of a country. Without any hassel we were on the water taxi from Belize City to Caye Caulker. The island had a complete relaxed feel which Cassie, Amy and I decided we definitely deserved after our last 10 days or so intense travel days vs intense action and sightseeing tours! We checked in at Bella's Hostel which was very homelike and made our way down to the 'Split'. This is the only real beach hang out on the island as most of it is mangroves and this was created a few years ago when a hurricane hit the island and 'split' it in two! So that was the perfect excuse to build a chill out Reggae bar with the best cocktails and happy hour deals to keep us entertained that afternoon! After meeting a few other people from the hostel and many from the same one in Flores we all had a few drinks then went to the main bar on the island, I and I's for a while.
The next day pretty much consisted of laying at the beach on the split, finally relaxing and working on our tan! This is generally what Caye Caulker had in store for us! We had a few nights out with the wonderful ladies nights where we drink free all night! So this island pretty much became one of my favourite places quite quickly! After a few days chilling out completely we actually organised doing something and booked out dive trip to the Blue Hole. Before this we all got an early night ready for a 5am start to be out on the ocean by 6am!
After a hearty breakfast and all our equipment was sorted out we set off on the boat for the 2hour ride to the Hole. It is an understatment to say this was a 'bumpy' ride which was our charasmatic guide's warning! After a few jumps off the benches and girly giggles we soon adjusted to the rthymn and chatted till we arrived. We were all excited and had hired an underwater camera to capture the whole experience! After getting kitted up in we jumped and down we went. As I was voted ' the one with the most experience' I had to take the camera so with full concentration on not dropping the thing or missing anything I took a while to actually look around and take it in! Once descending to 40 - 43m we could see the amazing structures of the ancient collapsed cave. The rock formations of stallignites and stalligtites created tunnels and places to swim through and round. Then almost instantly we saw our first shark! I think the camera was a blessing in the disguise as I was not nervous at all just really wanted to get a good photo! With the depth causing it to be so dark down there the camera struggled on this dive which was a disappointment, however we did capture some of the atmosphere of what it was like! We saw 30 plus reef sharks and a large hammerhead shark swimming just over our heads. It was an amazing experience but a short one due to the deep and pressure for our bodies so with only 8mins bottom time we headed up to do our safety stop where sharks still surrounded us!
Once out of the water we all we buzzing and enjoyed some watermelon and sat on the top deck to get a view of the Blue Hole from the surface! After nearly slipping off the boat and landing on a shark I decided to concentrate and sat chatting with the driver and soaking up the sun! The driver coinscidently knew Khrissy, a friend from the turtle conservation station which was random but nice! After a break for safety purposes we headed down for our second dive. This was shallower but over the reef. It was beautiful! We saw turtles, sting rays and lots of our fish, shellfish and corals. We also got better photos at this depth which was a relief! As it was shallower this was alot longer at around 45mins and once we surfaced headed over to a remote deserted caye, Half Moon Caye, and had some lunch! This was lovely and we had all worked up an appetite. With an hour to sunbathe, swim or explore the bird sancuary we napped ready for the rest of the day. With our final dive to go we got kitted up and headed in. This dive had amazing coral structures that we swam through and around, it literally felt like the beginning of 'The Little Mermaid'! It was nice with Cassie, Sam, Amy and Luke to play around alittle and get some good photos. The dive master was also funny making me laugh and causing me breathing issues! Once up we were all exhausted and just chatted, or slept on the way back to the island.
That night we were exhausted and with a 7am boat to Mexico we called it a night pretty early and go packed up and ready for a whole new country! Last but not least Mekkico!
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