my wknd was ok. i served at the elks dinner and the peopole at my tables tended to have a little more wine than they should've....Then on sunday i had to go to church to work in the nursery and then i had to go to the AGF to work in the cafe running up and down the stairs taking orders the entire time, and themn i went to a surprise baby shower for my tae kwon do instructor. i know, weird person to get pregnant. she's only 19, and she's married to the master of our school who is at least 15 years older than her!
i know im luvabl rn't i? u r an awesome friend! ha ha i wrote this one to nino and signed it by not me!
hey what up
Hey Tay Tay, I love you girlie ha ha your my best friend! ha ha this is a cool website, I'm confused :P