Hello girls,
We(Matthew&Elly) just had a look at your photos, and we must say they look.....yes, brilliant! We understand that Amsterdam is boring when you see this part of the world.
Tom enjoyed the chatsession with you.
Have lots of fun and enjoy yourselves.
Lots of love from the other side of the world!!
p.s. I'm(Elly) going on a trip to Hongkong for a week to visit my brother on 23th of november!
Good to see the pictures are on here now. Looks like you've seen some beautiful places. I'm not jealous though because I got to see the interior of the Fairfield Halls in Croydon the other week which must be up there with the 'must see places before you die'!!!!
One request. Can we have more wildlife pictures please. Monkeys would be cool.
Hi girls,
Some pictures about time girls! Glad to hear that the fantastic time continues, can't wait for the next installment.
Look after yourselves
Luv Sarah. xxx
Mummy & Dad Earith
Hi girls, Great fun to read your journal, and really pleased your having such a good/interesting time,Kirst, you were always good at connect 4 even as a child, but you used to cheat. Can't wait to see the photos!!!! have you washed your trousers yet kirst(pj) Hope you've reached Bangkok safely. Look forward to another phone call and journal entry. Love to you both, take care of each other Love and miss you lotsxxxxxxxxx
Ferndown Mommy
Hi Girls
Hope you have made it to Bangkok okay. It was good to read the update. Your're still having the experiences of your lives I see, so I am looking forward to the next chapter. (When you get the chance). Thanks for the phone call Ju, its always very reasuring to actually speak to you.
Bye for now girl take care of yourselves and each otherxx
Nice to read the update. I like the bit about upper class Benidorm. I thought Benidorm was upper class!! It is to us Estuarians!
Hope the journey to da' Kok isn't too arduous.
Hi Julie (and Kirsty)!!
How are you? How is your little trip so far? It must be amazing!! I'm gonna read your journals now, for more information!! Take care and have a lot of fun!!
Lots of love from Holland,
Hennie, Ramona, Bente, Lotte (from Spain) and Eva
Mom And Oma
Hi Girls
Oma is standing here with me and we want to send you both our love. Where are you at the moment? We are looking forward to hearing from you again. I will send a longer e-mail to you later.
Love from all of us in Ferndownxxxxx
Phil Jones
Hey you two
Glad you are enjoying Phi Phi. Please tell me you have tried the Sangsum whisky buckets by now!! Apsolutely lethal. If you have time you should go to Riley Beach off the mainland from Kirabi. If you do go to the Sunshine bar and ask if Kay Kay still works there. I have vivid memories. Take care Love Phil x
Hi girls, sounds like you are having a fab time. Kirsty congrats on winning that competition...your mother will be so proud!!, can't wait to see it myself, can you put video clips onto the website?!!
Have fun island hopping, look after yourselves.
Lots of love Sarah. xx
When are we going to see some pictures eh?!
Sounds like you're having a good time anyway. The nightclub sounded class. I would love to have heard Kirsty singing? Must have brought the house down!
Take care and look forward to the next update.
Mommy D. In Dorset
Hi Girls
Just read your last entry. Sounds as if you are having some really weird and not so wonderful experiences. Still it's all part of the fun ha,ha...it would be boring if it was all easy and lovely. There will be plenty of amazing stuff too.
Seriously though I am glad you are managing to work your way along your route even if its not always easy and then look forward to reading your news so keep up the good work. Some photo's are eagerly awaited by all I am sure.
You sound as if you are keeping well which is the main thing.