We’re back in the UK and have had a little bit of time to reflect on our time in China.
It’s a country of contradictions.
To bring the country up to date by Western Standards huge work is being carried out supplying WiFi nationwide and improving the infrastructure. Meanwhile rural areas have reliable access to the internet but not to water.
In the cities the rich get richer, driving around in fancy cars, buying $1 million apartments yet land remains the property of the state.
Officials are still very suspicious of Westerners and as a rule the Chinese Nationals conform. It’s hard not to when you are being watched constantly by CCTV, Civil Guards, National Security, Community Watch, Police and Soldiers. China has, in relative terms, recently opened its borders and is still a Communist country in many respects. They are very proud of their achievements as a nation!
However the people themselves, as individuals, are the same as the world over. The children want to play. Teenagers walk around looking sullen and playing music too loud. The elderly like to be on the receiving end of a genuine smile and some kind words even if they are in a different language.
If you have blue eyes, blond hair or are very tall you will be of interest. Some Chinese people are respectful and will be surreptitious when they take your picture. Most will not. Most Chinese adults were raised in a closed country. They grew up thinking that they would not ever meet Westerners. They get excited when they do.
By our standards the toilets can be challenging. If you’ve ever used a portaloo at a concert/festival you’ll cope. Angela can offer lessons in how to successfully use a squat toilet! (Sit on your heels - don’t hover).
Overall we had a fantastic time. We have seen, experienced and learnt so much. It’s certainly somewhere we’d recommend but go with an open mind and an open heart.
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