just browsing some of the journals and came across this one. amused by a couple of the entries I read so might have to have a bit more a of a look - good work.
in case you are wondering where i'm from and whether you had a journal fan from somewhere suitably far flung (e.g. Turkmenistan), Wokingham might be a good guess.
This must be a lunch time hobby! Looking v much forward to our great evening out with yourself , plus your first Reading Premiership game!
See you soon my lovely!!
Andy Aka Ghandi
paul...cya very soon..like mark, ive spent 30mins of my precious before lunch time ;0) looking through your amazing (thankfully minus that thing you had the first half of travelling, mark) pics & reading most interesting journals :) you must grace us with your new found south american footie skills that should had been picked up during the games ;0)
Wee Cousin Clare
Hey. Just wanted to let you know I've had a pants day today but reading your journal and looking at your pictures has made me feel a whole lot better : )
There's a big wide world out there and I will hopefully get the chance to visit NY one day.
Glad you made it to 28! Keep up the good work...see how 'teacher speak' just slips out - argh! Anyhow almost Christmas now, hope you enjoy the rest of your time traveling this year. Clare (x)
Well as im about to see you in a week or so, thought it was a good time to post a message on your site! Just spent the last 30 mins of my lunch hour (well ok, the 30 mins before my lunch hour) looking through your photos. Mainly the ones with me in cause they're the best! On that note, you remember what a lunch hour is? Its a period of 'free time' you are allocated throughout the day. Considerably less than the 24 hours a day you will be currently used to. Not that looking through the pics has made me envious or anything! ahem.
Make the most of your last few days son. Its all far too easy to be re-assimilated back into everyday life! And cant wait to give those catch phrases their full appreciated useage! The black book is being warmmed up!
laters felllllaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ah, Sophie, big hug coming your way! I'm sure Ian won't mind!
I'm now ready to return to football with my favourite new Argentinian football insult. "Pooto" I say "You're a Pooto". Back sooner than you know it, enjoy the peace whilst it lasts! I'd have given that Jose fella a piece of my not inconsiderable indignation!
Mr Andy, hello to you sir. I have plenty of stories when I return. I didn't for example in my e-mail mention attempted kidnappings did I? I have to have some stories left for when I get back! Rock on!
Andy Aka Ghandi
The Race + My Luminaries + Mr Fogg + Big Wednesday with compére Jim Bowes live at the Wilde Theatre, South Hill Park, Bracknell on Wednesday 25 October. Doors 7.30. Tickets £8 on the door or £6 in advance from the Box Office 01344 484123 or online from southhillpark.org.uk
Sophie W
I am glad that you are coming back soon! Football is just not the say without you. The away fans are quite scary sometimes!! I think that you look great with the beard, keep it going I say!
Looking forward to my lovely hug!
x x x x x x x x
Andy Aka Ghandi
opppppppps...you can delete the below, previous post, a bit trigger happy there :) just wanted to advise not forgotten your good self & really enjoy reading your journals & observing some cool pics indeed! keep up the good reporting, stay safe & keep it clean ;0)
Andy Aka Ghandi
Good day old boy. How´s it going wasting away in the old country?
Like the photos? Praise from the Reading Gazette´s photographer. I am doing well. Should have some new ones up in a couple of weeks. Had a look at the Aussie photos again when looking at your California pictures. Happy Daze.
You know what I like (apart from Israelis)? Stray dogs (and not working obviously - the nearer it gets to the end the better it gets). It´s like Thailand. One even stalked me the other day, wanted me to take him out for dinner for something. No comments about dogs please...
Hey, respect is needed for the milk maid´s hat. It will be ultra fashion soon. By the way, what are the captions for it? I am anticipating they may even involve elements of that thing they call humour.
Mark 'not Bumbing Round The World Anymore' Darnell
Hello there!
(did just post a v long & funny message. but the user-friendliness of the STA site managed to wipe it! SO this will rob be shorter and as a consequence, less funny)
Some V good pics there young man (yes i did actually just say that). Glad you've found a fellow 'that book' admirer. & I take it those hours of tramping around NZ in search of a sleeping bag is paying off!!
Glad to hear you havn't been kidnapped or thrown up your own vital organs. Keep it up son.
Mark - www.statraveljournals.com/darnellmark (a vain attempt to remind myself of my travels!)
ps. have so so many captions for the pic of you in your 'milkmaid's' hat!