I had a four hour layover in Portland before my departure for LA on the Coast Starlight train, so decided to explore a little.
No disrespect to Portlandians but I cannot recommend it as a holiday destination. Not a lot to see but I did discover that it is known for its large number of microbrewries. I sought out a tavern to QA some of the local beer but nobody would serve me - I wondered if my reputation as a bar room brawler had preceeded me but it was probably because it was only 10:30am. Surprisingly, nearby the station there were a couple of strip joints open!! I can confirm to all readers that I was not tempted to enter (particular assurance to wife Anne!). It did occur to me that Portland has got this wrong. Guys usually go to the bars to get drunk first and then consider some of their baser instincts Portlandians seem to do it the other way around.
Back on the train - I was getting the hang of the routine now as a seasoned AMTRAK traveller. This train boasted the additional services of a lounge car for sleeper passengers that offered wireless and even a cinema downstairs! Very impressive - that is if either had been working, which they weren't. However, they did offer a cheese and wine tasting in the afternoons. Did I go? Does a donkey like strawberries - of course I went! Very disappointing though - they only give you an inch of wine in the glass - what's the point of that? They tried to convince me that that was how it should be done but I think they were saving it for the late night on board staff party.
Lots of nice scenery. Even the California State Prison is located in a nice valley. My berth was on the landside so did not see much of the Pacific Ocean but was happy once I had seen it and new it was there.
Rolled into LA pretty much on time at 9:00pm on Friday and was met by my little brother Brendan (well he's three inches taller than me but you know what I mean). The end of the train part of my trip but now time to relax with family and get ready for the road trip.
Cheers for now
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