I cant believe I just wrote a huge post and then it didnt work! O well, here goes again...
I got a bus from chalten to los antigous, then another bus to cross the border to chile, then a small boat across a lake. Then i met the postman on the boat, who gave me and my friend a lift to this tiny village...i mean tiny, one shop, a church, a few houses.
The place I stayed was great, a ramshackle shed with some beds, some chairs and a woodstove, so breakfast takes over an hour as you have to make a fire. The family who owned it would dirft in and out, to have a sit, or some maté or cook something. That was really nice, and talking to them was so interesting and made me think a lot about living life so simply.
I cant be bothered to write everything we did there yet again, but two moments that captured it best for me:
Hitching back into town on a pick up truck in the back with all the harvested fruit and dogs, along a mountain path, with the friendly locals.
When the old man from the family that owned it came in for a sit down one evening..then there was a bit of a storm, and there was a powercut. So talking to him by candle light while the hut got blown around was very memorable, very filmatic and spooky.
Now im in Coyhaique, a bit town (compared to before) which is a bit of a culture shock, you just feel so lost in the supermarket (s!). Tomorow going to a coastal city, and then the island of Chiloé where hopsefully i can sort out a rural homestay.
Im happy tonite boosted by the news that the exchange rate is 20% better than i thought it was; which will be duly celebrated with a tub of dulce de leche and a big chocolate cake, bought for 1 good old British pound.
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