Well, before Valparaiso I spent a while in Puertto Montt. What is usually a bustling industrial port was even more busy due to the arrival of all the evacuees from the Chaiten volcano. It was interesting to see the army handing out food and all that stuff. There wasnt a huge amount to do in Puertto Montt apart from a lot of markets and amazing sea food (lobster every day :), but it was a nice place nontheless. I saw my first llama there, a fine specimen and a ridiculous animal, which was incredibly exciting. It was just walking around the streets carrying some stuff.
Then I went to Valparaiso. Its a slightly-run-down-but-in-an-arty-way, Italian influenced coastal city with amazing murals scrawled on every possible surface, especially the multi coloured houses which are draped over the surrounding hills. Its all very steep, they have these ancient elevators as public transport for going up streets. The street art there was amazing, I took so many photos. A piece broke off my camera, so I look slightly mad holding the new improved model held together with string and celotape. There was so much to do there, so much to see. My favourite day I: went to a see an (free :) orchestra of andean folk music, then went to the house of pablo neruda. It was amazing. I want a house exactly like that, awkward and filled with loads of odd objects with intersting stories. Then I went a bit mad in the gift shop and bought more than my backpack is happy with. Then I went to some craft fairs and bought even more stuff. Then I saw this amazing mime artists street performer. Ive never seen such a good act, there were a PREPOSTEROUS amount of people watching. He was a clown dressed up as a traffic warden and was directing traffic and doing lots of funny things.
Now im in Santiago which I dont like very much, its very soulless. I did go to the presidential palace today though, where the coup d etat was. I must say, its an excellent location, lots of nice courtyards and balconies for storming. Meeting my friend from home tomorow and then heading far far north. Will try to remember to write soon!
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