Ever since I read the Motorcycle Diaries and my guidebook, Ive been looking forward to Bariloche. So even though it was a long way from Cordoba, I decided to come straight here, a 27 hour bus journey.
Its amazing here, I think my favourite place Ive ever been to. Its the Lake District of Argentina, I think theres 7 main Lakes and also lots of small ones, rivers etc. So far Ive only seen the lake right next to the town, the others are difficult to get to unless you rent a car. I think on the weekend Ill get a bus there and rent a bike for the day.
The hostel Im staying at is great, really comfortable and cosy, duvets, plugs, hot showers, a kitchen, cutlery, the whole shabang. About 50m down the road is a Spanish school, which Ive joined. Its really helping my spanish, I do that for 4 hours a day, sometimes go on a 'school trip' in the afternoon and then go back to my hostel and speak in Spanish to all the people, so all days in Spanish really. Its helping, but is very tiring, and theres never enough to time sleep. Weathers nice, about 25 degrees in the day, and quite cold at night, which is nice really. Hmm what else....I think Ill stay here for a while, at least 2 weeks. It reminds me a lot of the scottish lochs, but hot as well (and perhaps a tad more bonny).
Ive been cooking myself instead of eating out here (coz its quite expensive and is more fun this way), so been eating a lot of pasta and pilling the weight back on as I was getting a bit skinny with the measly restaurante portions.
Thats all I can think of for now, hope everyones well and enjoying the fine weather back home xxxxx
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