Hi j I can't work out how to load the photos to the album. I need to set up Flickr or Instagram. Technically challenged with this apple gadget! Mo
Are we going to get to see some photos?
Chris - you can FaceTime Mo on your new iPad :)
Great Chris. Yes set up Skype, it's great! Love Mo x
Chris Phillipson
Hi Mo!
Great to receive your news & pictures. Hope to set up Skype soon so we can have a chat.
Love Chris x
Thanks for the note Maxine & Robin. Great to chat just now. Onwards to Charlotte & my trip to Washington DC. Love Mo x
...looking forward to hearing all about your adventures...x
Robin & Maxine
Lovely to have a Skype session with you this morning. Hope you have a great time with Rachael & John
Love Mum & Dad
Thanks Phyllis & Chris. How cool to have messages already. At airport Wagama's with small sake (chill my nerves) & miso soup with pickles. Going to gate shortly for Atlanta flight :) Mo on the move
Wishing you safe journey! Looking forward to seeing you when you are in Dallas, TX. Joyfully, Phyllis
Chris Phillipson
Have a safe flight on Sunday Mo, & looking forward to hearing from you when you arrive in Atlanta.
Much luv, Chris x