Hi Everyone!!! The Yasawa Islands were awesome – such an experience and so glad we changed our plans, we have quite a bit to update you on as none of the islands had internet or even hot water for that matter haha!!
On the start of our 12night island explorer we woke up pretty early and got to our ‘awesome adventure Fiji’ flyer (this boat was like our taxi to all the islands. We were a bit worried about getting see sick but the first trip (which took 5 hours) we were fine and sat up on the 3rd flour which had an open top
Our first island was Nacula, we stayed at Nabula lodge – very very basic and our room was awful but the people there were lots of fun and made the island seem sooo much better!! It was here we did lots of activities (first island and all haha)
As we got off the flyer we had to hop onto a little boat, as we found out - this was how all the islands roll – its like a little water taxi taking you to and from the flyer and onto the islands you are visiting! Scary the first time but we got used to it! – it was the norm hehe!
At dinner ( we were called to all our meals by the beating of a wooden log type thing)we met the others who were staying on the same island, SJ had realized she was soo burnt – 5hours on an open top deck – not a good combo!! Ahh well it went as soon as it came
After dinner we were told to get up and taught the BULA Dance – very funny!! We also had to nominate a chief and second in command – felt as though we were on shipwrecked!! Also on each island as we were waiting for the new arrivals or saying bye to people that were moving on this also felt like shipwrecked!! After dancing and dinner we chatted for a few hours but had to go bed because of the electricity was only on for 4 hours each night!!!
A few people that we met (Bran, Tasha, Harley and Anne) wanted to go this famous cave called Sawa-I-Lau Caves in the morning – Morgan wanted to also so we decided that we would all go!
The First cave was quite cool, the water looked an awesome blue – Harley and Anne got some cool photos (when we receive them via email we will upload them asap The first cave was as far as SJ could go – to get to the next you had to swim in an underwater pitch black tunnel!!!! Morgan went through with the others (by following a torch light) it was just as dark in the second cave, everyone seemed to enjoy it!! When everyone came back to the main cave (which was used in the film blue lagoon) the Fijian guy who took us there was climbing up the rocks and jumping into the water (think the water is about 20metres deep) the lads had a turn but the rocks were very slippery!
When back at the island we had a few drinks with a game of cards as it was raining – after this we played a game of volleyball and met the new arrivals!
The next day we decided to go fishing…. Both felt a bit rough by the end – sea sickness kicked in Harley caught the first and only fish of the morning – bit gay as we had to use it for bate anyways!!! Was fun though! Even though we went to 3 different spots – only one small fish haha
After lunch we had a go at opening coconuts and said farewell to Bran and Tasha, we then headed to this place called blue lagoon.. just lazed on the beach there… for dinner we had lovo (food cooked in the ground) was yummy and after had a kava gathering!!
The next day we were headed to Tavewa island the place we stayed was called ‘otto and fannys’ lovely quiet little place – very different from namba lodge! Our room was sooo much nicer too – the last one was proper skanky and yukky! We didn’t do much on this island as the weather was cloudy most of the time – we wandered around the island and explored but that was about it – met some cool people again!
The next island we visited was Kuata!! One of our favorites! On our way ( on the flyer ) we bumped into tasha and bran from our nacula days! Had a chit chat about what we had been up too and realized we would meet again in 3days (when we were both leaving our next destinations) By the time we arrived in kuata the sun was shinning again, as we got of the flyer into the little boat – one had every ones luggage and one had the guests - we arrived on the beach to the Fijians singing and playing the guitars as a welcome song! Pretty cool! We also got upgraded to a brand new bure (that is what they call there hut/houses) we were the first to stay in it and it had been finished a week earlier! That evening on kuata there was a Fijian night organized – we had another lovo and kava ceremony and also saw lots of Fijian dances – with fire and all sorts… the kava ceremony was really cool – they did it all proper with the outfits etc… we also ate on the floor Fijian style and had to eat with our hands!! Loads of fun – met some of the other guests who all seemed pretty cool!
The next day we chilled out on the beach and had planned to do the summit walk early evening – oh my god it was so tiring – our exercise for the whole time we have been away!!! We were going to wear flip-flops we were advised not to and so glad we listened!! Haha!! The view at the top was pretty awesome, could see a lot of kuata and further
The day after was our last on the island so we decided to go on a village visit, we were taken to the local church and school and were allowed in a traditional Fijian house, after the tour we were taken to the village women who were selling hand made items and jewelry.. bought a few items and SJ also made a bangle from leaves after this we headed back to our resort.
Bounty was our next stop – we spent pretty much a full day lounging on the beach waiting for our ‘water taxi’ to the flyer ! We arrived in bounty (celebrity love island) late afternoon – only had one night here which we were pretty gutted about but it was fun all the same – we were actually in luxury – we had hot water, and lovely food which we could chose! They also had a swimming pool!! The one which was on TV!!
Our time on bounty was pretty lazy and relaxed, the next stop was mana… we had herd mixed reviews but went with an open mind – we were kinda ready to go back to the mainland but had another 3 nights to go – the layout was cool – where we ate etc… our room was so gross and hot again just like the first island (they had seemed to be getting better, but it just flip reversed on us haha) overall our time there was cool – we tanned up on the one sunny day and played lots of hangman on the cloudy days haha one plus point – it was def one of the best beaches we had seen – even though they are all proper nice throughout the islands and we couldn’t really chose hehe!!
We got the first boat back to the mainland this morning as we wanted to check out the mud pools (we had met a couple of people on the islands who had recommended it)
It was raining for the time we were there but we didn’t care as we were bathing in warm mud and hot springs
That’s about it – our flight is at midnight – so still have a while to wait around, Hawaii next stop!!!!
Miss you all lots and lots
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