G'day mate! Just in case we have any followers left, we thought we'd post you a few thousand new photos of all sorts of lovely things... beaches, builidings, boobs and bums, you name it, its in there. Just remember to click on the photos if you fancy having a look at the amusing captions. Right then, we're gonna kick back and wait for some love from you little swines. I'll catch you later, yeah...
Ditto what the big man said.
"Surf dudes with attitude.... kind of groovy!" Good to hear from you boys after all this time, and glad that PB found t'others. Sort out those photos.
Surf Dudes With Attitude
Hey - first of all the wonderer has returned, a mere 18 hours after his solo mission!
Sorry about the lack of updates but the ozzy computers don't like us. Can't seem to put photos on but we will continue trying so no more abuse please - we are checking it every day. Louise G you absolutely did me there, revenge is due although I was actually quite excited (about the uncle not brother bit - tell Rich to get his act together).
Marcus - fantastic site.
New postcard up and hopefully photos - when we do get some on there'll be loads from Argentina until now
Meassage for Simon's mum. Sorry for all the swearing on the Reading website, we weren't expecting extra visitors, but feel free to keep reading - as you say it's much more interesting than this neglected piece of rubbish. If you fancy a night out in Reading by the way....
Simon's Mum
Hi Simon et al, have got so bored checking this website and email inbox for news I have resorted to looking at the 2 other offexploring websites. At least these lovely people are giving us something to look at and read. And it seems that Reading can be even more fun than ........ I trust you have all managed to meet up again but would be nice to know that this is the case. Look forward to a postcard and lots of photos soon. Take care and spare a thought for us and get in touch soon please. xx
Do you boys still exist? You're not showing much love to the dedicated follows of this site. Luckily I know of a superior 'off exploring' site with plentiful banter! Must admit I was another tricked by Mrs. Grandison's April 1st post.
Think natalia wants portions..........................!!!! But who's man enough
Max's mum absolutely brilliant, definately a shame that ur son is too lazt to get of his sunburnt bottom to appreciate the humour. Haven't heard from the lessor trip for a while, they still alive!?
Max's mum, you are a legend! Had me fooled. Pity these boys are too rude to log on to their own website to appreciate your April Fools banter.
Max's Mum
Hello everyone reading this. Please note date my previous message sent.