Max, Pete and Simon go travelling...
Alright Guys??
A lot has happened since we last managed to put anything down. We decided to come to Cusco (a smaller city near Machu Picchu) on Saturday morning cos although we loved Lima there was not much more for us to see. Before we left we had a pretty mental night in Lima which ended in a Salsa/Merengue club at half 5 with loadsa locals, PB and MG through out a few shapes but Sib was apparently a bit rigid?! The flight over the Andes at 9 o clock the next morning was amazing but hangover certainly wasnt!
Cusco is really nice but 3500m above sea level so sleep is a fairly common theme. Went to the Ancient valley of the Incas and got burnt to hell. After the culture we came back in the middle of a city wide water and foam fight put on for the carnival so managed to nail a few of the locals with water balloons. Also managed to sample the local bar/club scene here on sunday night-v fun!! Going to a restaurant tonight to taste the local cuisine of cuy-whole roast guinea pig with potatoes, bring it on!!
Keep the messages coming-some v funny entries.
The 3 angels
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