Hey J, glad you're feeling better dude...... nice to see you're still full of wit and not something that sounds like it....
Take care buddy and remeber, don't eat anything that smells like almonds......
nice mud hut dude, did the drunk dog come with it or did you have to pay extra? Lol! Listen, while your in Goa see if you can get an excursion out to the waterfalls, they used to do jeep trips out there for mixed groups. Don't know how much but it will be well worth it, You get to swim in the lagoon at the bottom and monkeys will come down to say hello!
glad you are seeing it thru, you'll be fine in a few days....the satellite pictures are really good...zoomed in and saw you lying on the beach with a bottle of beer....ha ha ha
Can even see my car in the drive at Yardley..with Molly sitting next to it.....but not when it's dark though.
that's well cr@p it deletes all the letters from a sweat word. Although interpret it as you will. You know it's only affection...
India looks like carnage! Have you had a brown wee out of your ass yet??? Have a lamb bhuna on me!
Are you in party land yet i.e. Goa? I think they're supposed to have some mega full moon parties too!
Talk soon you greasy c*** fart!
Love Fredo xxx
Pull....force It!
Hello Junky Mason... Small rawplug here, have the riots in India affected you? I have some info on it, i'll foward it to ya.. Keep it real, buy me an elephant and post it to me...
Usne tuhanu kinna ditta? - Punjabi.
Big Sister
I'm pleased to see that you making the most out of the shaver i brought you. Nuff sed. oh... and have fun!
Big Sister
You want funny eh well on Monday (the story telling thing again!) I was walking with a manager in my secondary school on my way to a meeting through a school corridor. A bunch of 14 year olds were walking by us. Suddenly a big floor-cleaning machine pipe burst and fastley created a puddle in front of our very feet. I decided to show off my athleticism and long legs by leaping across. I slipped smack on my arse and right leg bent. I laughed and Ive never seen anyone get up so quick. My arse and knee is still bruised. Not to mention the embarrassment of laughing teenagers watchingwhom consequently walk extra carefully cross the water.
Whats ironic is the next day I was walking by the road with a massive flood. A car whizzed pasted and yesthe wetness equalled a small rainstorm. We are talking sex in the city opening creditity scene here. I swore immensely and a nurse commented as well re how drowned I looked. The arsey thing is he did it again on the way back!
You travel the worldI fall on my arse. xx
thou shalt not swear on thy web ye ill spoken monkey man!
Looking forward to your future updates, have a mad one dude.
Uncle J
Hi Jason,
Hope you have a great time and keep safe. We will be thinking of you and will be checking in on your website to see updates of travels etc and fill you in with all our exciting news back here!!!
Uncle J & Auntie S
WHAT, it stared out my "rude word"
$hit bag's!
Hahahaha i poped my own message cherry!
Leave me lots of funny s*** about what your all up to.