I miss you! Sounds like you are having an incredible time. I want to ride an elephant. Your writing is funny, very entertaining. You are literally travelling around the world during this year. I love you so much and Cru and Hudsy are eager to cuddle with you. Stay safe!!
hahah well i don't think they were beg bugs after all...but you already know that since i sent you a text..again. I need to keep my personal doctor informed!
The groups are mainly women because i think the guys usually travel alone and in packs. Most of the time there will be 2-3 guys together, not in a tour. I think guys tend to be like "im going to book a flight to thialand and see what happens when i get there" while females are more likely to book a tour so they feel more secure. Just my thought on the matter. Most of my groups have asked the same questions and we have come up with that answer.
love Moneeeeet
Not surprised to hear of the bed bug bites even if you tect mesage me at midnight about them..................unrelated question; why are tour groups predominately women? WHere are your male equivalents? touring but not in formal groups? or not touring....?
Hope you are clean by the time we meet in Riga for dinner.
Great blog...........almost felt like I was tubing or bungying or something..........all the bars along river sounded very creative, and of course, my favourite, Friends wiht my jennifer A. Finally , the CONDOM INN.reminds me of a joke...ask me when u see me.
thanks dad..i will label that right now...have fun in new york! miss you too! I'm starting a countdown to Latvia!
Pictures look good though i have not studied them. One set of photo's needs a label.
Off ot NYC tomorrw for Pam's birthday adn to meet Basil and Noga there, Back SUnday. EIllSKYPE you on your MOnday morning.
Glad you are weller, no more V and D.........loved Video's from Boudrain.
Miss you more than ever as time to meet gets closer.
my best to date? hmmm i will have to make sure my next one is superb.
funny enough, i actually prefer squat toilets, well atleast in public areas in asia. It is much more hygienic to not have to touch anything...
miss you!
An excellent blog, probably your best to date.YES, Mcain was tortured there as were all the prisioners of war. They were often bomber crews and the Vietnamese were very angry wiht these guys bombing them from very high and unseen heights. It was the Cold War being acted out by the US and Russia, and CHina too, so we ewre alol pawns but the Sovites lost.........thank god, we think......
I am in awe that you are the Moent I knew and loved in the USA whom I would not have prodicted would willingly squat, hike for mles, eat foreign food with equanimity, and be postive all the time (almost). This trip hsas 'growed' you. Cant ait ot see you in Riga, 23 April.
Lunched withe Jordan yesterday, he is in good shape. He keeps his apartment in the same shape you kept yours............yuk!.
MONET, you need to buy me some ninja stars or a sword or something awesome that you can mail back to me. I will email you about it
that was supposed to say "dad is"
hahah good to know that dad and trying to make sure people look interested in my blog! hope you feel a bit more caught up on my life now. miss you!!!
the word "you" is missing from my post, in the 8th line. and "exciting" should actually read "excited". perfectionist, much?