Hej med jer. Skønt at høre om Argentina, med Ignazu osv. Det må vi afgjort selv inspicere.
Temperaturen hjemme går laaangsomt opad, med det er stadig frost om natten. Dog er en stor del af sneen væk, og solen har skinnet en del de sidste par dage.
Held og lykke med turen til Indien.
Kærlige hilsner til jer begge.
Hi Sophie and Sarah,
This is Irene (Netherlands) from Vinales!
I am wondering how you are doing!
I know things are terrible in Peru and wonder how you are ?
At least I saw that ten hours ago you added something to the blog, so I hope things are OK. What a catastrophes are happening on your ways. Cold snap in Cuba, Earthquake in neighboring Haiti and now mudslides in Peru.
I hope you are having a wonderful time just the same.
I am back after a lengthy flight with waiting for 27 hours.
Took a week to get over jet lag and of course back at the job. Trip did me a lot of good just the same and I feel great.
May-be I have to get back there and explore Havana some more when the weather is better and can see people dancing and listen to some good music....:)
It was great in Cuba, only the cold was more than I could bear.
Especially with cold shower in the morning at Osviel's... after a freezing night. You did not write about Vinales?
Did you hear that in Havana 26 people died at a hospital that week from the cold... So awful!
Hope you have a great continuation of your trip and a nice get together with your folks in Vietnam .
I see blog is in Danish only..:( Will try to understand just the same! Sent you some pics to your hotmail adress!!
It was great getting to know you!!!
Much love and hope to hear from you!
Hvor er det skønt at vide at i er kommet sikkert frem til Cusco.
Bare i kommer sikkert derfra er jeg glad.
Hej Tøser
Håber at høre fra jer idag, hvor i forventes ned fra det store bjerg. I har sikkert haft en helt fantastisk tur.
Knus Lone
Jeg synes det er dårligt at der ikke allerede ligger indlæg ;) ;) fantastisk god tur til jer!
Rigtig rigtig god tur til jer begge.
Glæder mig meget til de første par updates! :)
Hej Tøser.
Få nu en rigtig god tur, og kom godt hjem igen.