Schliemann Trench - During the 1st 3 yrs of his escavation 1871-3 Schliemann ordered this trench to be dug through the centerr of the Troy mound hoping to find Priam's citadel but destroying the overlaying layers. He found the remains of walls from Troy 1. Heinrich Schliemann was an amateur archaeologist. He was obsessed with the stories of Homer and ancient Mediterranean civilizations. He dedicated the second part of his life to unveiling the actual physical remains of the cities of Homer's epic tales. n 1870, Schliemann began digging a trench at Hissarlik, and by 1873 had discovered nine buried cities.The day before digging was to stop on 15 June 1873, was the day he discovered gold, which he took to be Priam's Treasure trove
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