My story - This fine dining restaurant was about a 20 minute walk from my hotel. I set my GPS and left towalk with a few minutes to spare. The route took me through some construction sites on the university campus to arrive at a gate to the Botanic Gardens that had been locked an hour earlier. No way in. I looked at the map and decided to head to the main gate (on a busy street). When I arrived after another10 minute walk that gate also was locked.(see photo). The restaurant had indicated my reservation would only be held 10 minutes and I was now late. I had no idea how to get into the Botanic Gardens so, undaunting, I mustered up my strength, looked around for any oncoming police cars and somehow climbed over this fence to get in. I then had to walk back the entire distance of the garden to get to the restaurant. I arrived 20 minutes late, apologized and explained, and was graciously and kindly seated to enjoy the following dinner.
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