Africa’s most common large vulture ), the white-backed vulture is an accomplished scavenger that feeds on the carcasses of Africa’s large animals. With their large, broad wings they can soar and circle for hours as they search for carrion.Their excellent eyesight enables them to spot food from high in the air, and they also keep an eye on other vultures, quickly following if they see another making a sudden descent.Up to 200 white-backed vultures can gather at a carcass; an enormous elephant carcass may even attract a thousand (2). With so many birds trying to feed, fights are inevitable (4). Accompanied with grunts and goose-like hisses and cackles (4), the scrum of vultures can be seen inserting their long, bare necks under the skin of the carcass or crawling into the ribcage as they feed on the dead remains . After gorging themselves, the vultures may bathe together with other species at a favourite site, or rest with their wings spread and backs to the sun
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