They are Africa's most common and least aquatic ibis. Hadadas live in open grasslands, savannahs and rain forests, especially along wooded streams, marshes and river courses.They are carnivores. Like most ibises, they probe their long, curved bill into the mud in shallow water. They have different methods of catching the prey: the "bill snap" involves the rapid closing of the bill in a reflex reaction to tactile stimulation generated by contact with prey; the "bill grab" uses the bill like a tweezers, when prey is dead or scarcely moves.Small prey is normally swallowed immediately, either by tossing it in the air and catching it or by releasing it and moving the mouth forward to engulf it. Large, heavy or dangerous prey that cannot be swallowed immediately may be battered, shaken, kneaded or ripped apart. After consuming a large prey item, ibis usually drink water.
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