Tito Armando Núñez Gudás. From the chef- By tradition, Cubans, and most of all the peasants in the mountains, prefer to eat what is considered to be typical Creole food: Fried and grilled meat, white, well-cored rice; stew made of black beans, spiced with onion, garlic, peppers and thyme; boiled yucca, and with some lemon or sour orange juice, salt, fried in hot oil; green salad with tomato slices and cucumber, dressed with oil, lemon or vinegar and salt; for afters, Guava jam with cream cheese or yellow cheese is considered almost obligatory; and to round it off: strong, sweet, black Espresso. In the village, doubts and mockery started spontaneously when talk arose of the Eco-Restaurant. The nick-name used by almost all to refer to the restaurant: “El Vegetariano – The Vegetarian”, often said innocently but sometimes even with stubborn irony, El Romero organizes its culinary service in total harmony with the environment. Its operating cycle starts with the cultivation and production of a large part of products that are used both in the kitchen: spices, vegetables, early vegetables, fruit, seeds, grains, berries, nuts, flours, tuber roots and Creole eggs, as well as for waiting: clay pots, absorbents, baskets, containers, plates: the purification of drinking water by use of a clay jug, a natural stone filter, and a mount made of wood to keep it in the shade in a cool place, the use of solar energy for drying some of its ingredients, fermentation of liqueurs, boiling water, cooking of various dishes, and, in the future, electricity production, too. Then there is the use of many other clean technologies, right down to recycling of leftovers, which are used indiscriminately to make fertilizers or as animal food: chickens, laying hens, and other animals that live freely within their habitat, harmoniously integrated with the ambience.
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