This room was used for official occassions. While not easy to see the photograph on the far left is of Princess Daisy and her two older sons, Hans Heinrich XVII (1900-1984) and Alexander (1905-1984). Daisy Hochberg von Pless (1873-1943) was born as Mary Theresa Olivia Cornwallis-West and grew up in northern Wales and England. Her family was related to the courts of Kings Edward VII and George V. She was married at age 18 in Westminster Abbey to Hans Heinrich XV von Hochberg. Prior to WWI, she and her husband were very active in European royal society. She was known for her freedom of living and as a patron of many charities to improve the lives of poor people in this region of Silesia. She founded an orphanage, a clinic for working mothers, and a school for poverty-stricken girls. During WWI she was known as a pacifist and worked as a Red Cross nurse in hospital trains in Serbia, Austria, and France. She divorced her husband in 1923 and subsequently published several volumes of her memoirs.
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