The historical Hanseatic League, a powerful association of remote merchants, especially in the North and Baltic Seas, existed from about 1250 to the 17th Century. The Hanseatic League had not only economic but also political and military power.for the first time in the history of the Hanseatic League Hanseatic Days takes place in Russia. And in a Russian city, which had close relations with the Hanseatic League in the Middle Ages. The annual celebration is about the traditions of modern international cooperation and international friendship, now found in the ancient Russian city of Veliky Novgorod continued. " the deputy chairman of the government of the Russian Federation Alexander Zhukov welcomed the participants of the Hanseatic League and said: "It is very good that the organizer of the Hanseatic League, the city of Veliky Novgorod. This year celebrates this ancient and perhaps the most beautiful city in Russia in 1150 their anniversary. The older the city, the better. Two thousand ambassadors from Europe who came to Novgorod, can see for themselves how beautiful this city is that more and more tourists visit this city, that Russia is an open country today .
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