Last stop before leaving Havana to buy cigars and rum. Top cigars COHIBA - The Cohiba, the more expensive of the brands—$60 to $70 a piece—is rumored to be the cigar rolled specifically for Fidel Castro. H. UPMANN - John F. Kennedy’s favorite cigar. The night before he signed the embargo in 1962, Kennedy sent press secretary Pierre Salinger to snatch up every box of them he could in the D.C. area. “Deceitfully mild and bland when they’re young,” . The tobacco taste is enhanced with time, and they are best smoked—for a cleaner, stronger taste—after 10 to 15 years of aging. Extra fermented, the finished cigar is aged and “has an unmistakable, very pleasant, grassy taste, with flavors of vanilla and cocoa and coffee.” MONTECRISTO - The best-selling cigar in the world, these cigars can be enjoyed by novice and veteran cigar smokers alike. “Tangy, pleasant flavor, fruity, sweet, with a heavy presence of bean flavors, like cocoa and coffee and vanilla. ROMEO Y JULIETA - These cigars don’t need a long aging period to appreciate. They contain “every flavor imaginable—floral and nutty, herbal and tangy, fruity and woody
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